sub and amp install (now updating to include full Amped speakers too!!)


Active Member
Apr 11, 2009
Surrey and Huddersfield
It didnt sound amazing after i bought it at first, but after 24 hours or so, it is a lovely sounding sub.. gives really nice, deep, low sounds.. :)

Thing is, the car audio shop in ... lightwater says 'get alpine/jbl/focal...' only has bad words about the infinity range etc, and likes the alpine.. meh, differnt opinions...


Active Member
Jun 23, 2008
Speaker wire

i would guess so yes. so if you are just running that 1 amp for your sub then you wont need a REM. by the sounds of it you wont need any RCA converters / lines either.

just use your rear speaker inputs and go to the sub that way.

Ok thanks. Will the type of speaker wire I use to pair off from the rears affect the quality? Any recommendations? Cheers


Active Member
Apr 11, 2009
Surrey and Huddersfield
I am quite sure the answer to your question is ..... no :)

but i could be wrong! (but im not...) I have done the exact same thing, with the speaker level inputs and my dad told me it makes no difference, trust my dad! :D lol

just use standard speaker wire to pair off from the rears
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Active Member
Apr 11, 2009
Surrey and Huddersfield
the wire that would make the difference i believe would be from the amp to the sub.. although that may already have been done for you.. and if u think bout it, the old crap standard wire is always going to be there and using decent quality wire for the last half a meter wont make any difference, plus its just not needed anyway :p speaker level inputs are good and eassyyy!

Adam R

Diesel ISN'T a Dirty word
Mar 5, 2007
lee in the solent
daymo.. thats ruddy quick!! it took me 3 hours to do a good install to a members car.

oh by the way to all... i do offer fitting service BUT all stuff must be provided and booze / cash is welcome :D

if i travel (which i am prepared to do) i would ask you to cover my fuel costs too, but as i drive a diesel fuel costs arnt too bad :)


Right... Just starting to put the puzzle together in my head ;)

If attempting to run a 4 channel amp which will be required to power the 2 front speakers and rear sub....

Could you not connect the RCA converter from the rear speaker for an input if your going to ditch the rears anyway and only having to run the REM from the back of the head unit

Doing it this way, if possible! just seems alittle easier as you'll only need a small amount of RCA cable which will be kept in the boot and the only cables running from back to front (Apart from Power Cable) will be the speaker wires going to the fronts :confused:

Or am I just missing the bigger picture


Adam R

Diesel ISN'T a Dirty word
Mar 5, 2007
lee in the solent
Right... Just starting to put the puzzle together in my head ;)

If attempting to run a 4 channel amp which will be required to power the 2 front speakers and rear sub....

Could you not connect the RCA converter from the rear speaker for an input if your going to ditch the rears anyway and only having to run the REM from the back of the head unit

Doing it this way, if possible! just seems alittle easier as you'll only need a small amount of RCA cable which will be kept in the boot and the only cables running from back to front (Apart from Power Cable) will be the speaker wires going to the fronts :confused:

Or am I just missing the bigger picture


Hello Tee....

this is a fairly big question you have asked so i will try my best to answer over the forum.

your standard HU has 4x outputs..
front right
front left
rear right
rear left.

now what (i think) your asking is if you can get your rear speaker input and use them for both front and rear speakers?
this is not possible as you need your front speaker inputs if you want to also run a sub.

you have to get the front speaker outputs from the HU and wire this to the amp, this will give you the 2 front component amplified signals.

for the rear speakers that will be used for the sub signal..
you can use a hi-low converter and put this as an input in the amp for the sub. this can be kept in the boot if desired. (when i did my install i found it would be much neater to have the 2 hi-low converters under the dash and then have the rca cables going to the amp.)

i would advise you not to try and cut corners too much. Car audio is something that is simple but very complexe. you have lots of issues with earth loop feedback, incorrect impedance, resistance issues etc.

if you can do it right the first time, you wont ever have to touch it again, if you try and skimp then you will have many noise issues if you are not careful.

i hope this answers your question. if not drop me a PM and i can try and explain further :)


Active Member
Nov 9, 2008
i have a pair of 6x9s on the way and was planning on putting them in the parcel shelf, but i thought to make things easier i would disconnect the speakers next to the parcel shelf cut the clip off and attach a small amount of speaker wire to the end to make it reach. 2 questions.
1) would this work ?
2) on the clip there is a number 1 where 1 wire goes in and a number 2 were the other goes in. Which is + and which is - ? any help would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
Apr 11, 2009
Surrey and Huddersfield
i have a pair of 6x9s on the way and was planning on putting them in the parcel shelf, but i thought to make things easier i would disconnect the speakers next to the parcel shelf cut the clip off and attach a small amount of speaker wire to the end to make it reach. 2 questions.
1) would this work ?
2) on the clip there is a number 1 where 1 wire goes in and a number 2 were the other goes in. Which is + and which is - ? any help would be greatly appreciated!

Only problem with this would be that the wire is a bit rubbish along with the standard headunit..

it'll work although you wont have the real power of what your 6x9s can handle.. so maybe clip off from old speakers, and get em into an amp using speaker level inputs... would make things sound better :)

And with the + and -.. connect up one, try it and if its sounding like crap (polarising or watevrer it is) try it the other way round.. there is a significant sound difference.. you'll not damage them if you play em soft to test em
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Active Member
Nov 9, 2008
Ideal thanks :)
yeah i was planning on doing that when i get a bit of money. just for now will put most the power to the rear to try and get a half decent sound from them :D



i have read this thread over and over i am doing a install using this tomoro

but mine going to be a little diffrent i am installing a preamp under the steering wheel so gonna be bit diffrent but my main concern is wiring the speakers

now do i do it like this

HU > Alpine RCA converters > preamp > amp > speakers

i am looking to remove all the old speaker wiring and start fresh so could i just run the rca cables to the amp then the speaker wiring to the correct new speakers direct from the amp????

i know bit compleactated but its kinda simple and means just getting rid of the old i am trying to the do the best job i can i am soundproffing the door panels ect....

another question could i cut the door cards in the rear (its a 3 door) to fit speakers either side would someone say there enough depth for this??? there only small not do deep either

any help would be amazing right now :D


goood guide here think i will attempt this when i get sum money together for the sub n amp etc :D


Active Member
Nov 9, 2008
when the stereo is on and the engine is running i get a whine/buzzing sound. what is causing this its doing my nut in. i have tried relocating the earth from rear light to seatbelt bolt but still doing it :(

Adam R

Diesel ISN'T a Dirty word
Mar 5, 2007
lee in the solent
when the stereo is on and the engine is running i get a whine/buzzing sound. what is causing this its doing my nut in. i have tried relocating the earth from rear light to seatbelt bolt but still doing it :(

what setup have you done ? also have you used cheap single or non screened RCA(phono) cable ?

whine is brought in to the system when inteference is occuring. it cost me alot of money to sort out the whining in my audio.. infact i re-did the whole lot!

you must make sure you use:

DOUBLE / TRIPPLE screened RCA (Phono) cable.
Good quality High to low converters

and GOOD QUALITY speaker cable.

if you want a little more help drop me a PM and i will try and help you a little more :)
Progressive Parts, performance parts and tuning specialists