Strange Noises


Cupra Sport ****yeah!
Apr 8, 2009
Hello there,

Recently got a GTi 16v (yay :)) And it's beautiful, although i have found a couple of things wrong with it, but thats ok, its an Ibiza haha

First off, it's leaking quite alot through the Oil Pressure Switch, but i've done a search and this seems preety easy to fix, just a case of getting a new switch i guess.

Secondly, there seems to be a strange knocking noise whenever i change gear at a high RPM, especially through gears 1-3. I can't make out where its coming from, but it sounds like the underneath of the car, but i've looked and it all seems tight.

Anyone got any other ideas?

I firstly thought it might be the seat moving back and forth during harsh gear changes, but i dunno.
Anyone else had these sorta problems?

Any help would be appreciated

Chris :)


Active Member
Nov 2, 2009
Could be exhaust knocking, try rocking your exhaust by hand to see if it knocks, maybe missing a rubber?
May also be a knackered engine mount, again try rocking by hand.


Cupra Sport ****yeah!
Apr 8, 2009
Cheers for your replys guys.

It knocks mainly when i change gear at a high RPM, say from 2nd to 3rd at 5000 RPM. When i listen closely it sounds like its coming from the passanger side wheel area, or the passanger side seat.

If it is a engine mount, that sounds bad :( How much would it cost to fix/ replace roughly?


Active Member
Nov 2, 2009
Piece of cake to change, just support the engine on a trolley jack or similar whilst you whip off the old one and fit the new one.
I dont think they are too bad price-wise, give ECP or GSF a try.
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