Spotter Guides Updated: BTCC, SEAT Cupras, WTCC and now DTM


Admin -SCN Canada:)
Aug 29, 2001
With the race season well underway, Ten-Tenths and Andy Blackmore Design have updated and improved the 2007 Spotters Guide series.


Following feedback, we have split the BTCC and SCC Spotters Guides into separate pdf's which will help with print out clarity.

Each guide is available as a free downloadable PDF. While the guide is supplied in an A4 format, the PDF is designed so that you will be able to print it at A3 size or lager with little or no loss of quality.


We currently have the following Spotters Guides available on the main site:-

BTCC Spotters Guide
Last update May 23rd, in time for Croft. SEAT Cupra Championship has now been moved to a seperate sheet, so the BTCC cars are now bigger and more legible.

WTCC Spotters Guide
Last Update, May 23rd, ready for the French round of the WTCC. The next update for this will probably be prior to Brands Hatch. NOTE: The entry list changes round by round due to 'National entries' so I've made a "Best guess" at this - As used by Sir Martin Haven of Eurosport :)

SEAT Cupra Championship(UK) Spotters Guide
Last Update, May 23rd, in time for Croft. This is now on a seperate sheet to aid clarity.This will only be updated if a significant entry joins the series.

The BTCC, WTCC and SCC Spotters Guides are downlaoable HERE


DTM Spotters Guide
This is now available as a pdf, ready fro Brands.These have come out very well, so make sure you grab a copy. This will be hosted by due to the Audi connection.

For the moment, you can download the DTM guide at

Any (major) errors, please drop me an email or PM, things like a small logo missing on the sill of a car doesnt count- I needed to keep the file size down!

Thanks to everyone who has helped with these. Credits appear on each guide. It is very much appreciated.

Lastly, remember, this is a free resource for Ten-Tenth and SEAT members. Don't abuse it by selling it on, using the images for anything else and anything marketing wise.

If you a team, driver or sponsor and want to use it (or a customised version) please send me an email. I don't bite.
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These are really great, but for some reason the SCC one printed out with all the colours wrong. ie the reds were blue, etc. Very strange!


Admin -SCN Canada:)
Aug 29, 2001
thats weird. Just printed one here and its OK. Anyone else have this problem? Your ink hasn't run out has it :)


Hi Guys n Girls

Just wanted to apologise for the lack of updates with these recently. I have a couple of big freelance projects, my own day job is eating up hours and I'm about to move house.

Rest assured, that as soon as I get time, in August, I will do an update. All the sheets need small changes

rant on

Lastly, please dont try and use my imagery for your own gain. I have been made aware of two drivers and at least one sponsorship proposal who have used and modify my art (badly!) for their own sponsorship proposals/marketing using the these sheets. Its not big and its not clever. This is a free resource as a Spotters Guide for SCN and 10-10thers. Dont put it at risk. As you can imagine, each one has taken hours to do.

If you want to use an image, then just email me (as a few have done) and I can help you out. I dont bite
. rant over


Admin -SCN Canada:)
Aug 29, 2001


Full Member
Sep 11, 2006
I seem to have a problem with my Adobe Acrobat Reader. Seems slow on download but I have just tried to print out the SCC Guide and also cannot seem to - despite having loads of black, cyan, magenta and blue.
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Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
Your better saving them to your PC. If you click on them, then they tend to open using the Acrobat plug in. Which if your internet connection isn't brilliant, it can be slow to download.

Your better right clicking on the link/file, and saving as to your desktop. Then open the PDF in Acrobat Reader itself.

Printer issue will be a communication issue with your printer. Check your printer settings, make sure you can print the windows test page etc.

The files are fine though, i've checked them all and they open and print correctly.
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