Seat Leon 2020 eHybrid check engine light


Active Member
Nov 20, 2023
I could use some help here gathering ideas on what could be going on. 2 months ago I had the check engine light come on(orange) and went to get it checked at a seat dealership/shop. They said that it was coolant pump b being defective and in need of replacing. They then did this after much delay and the day I was suppose to pick up the car I was told it wasn't the pump but ECU as the fault was still there after they have changed the pump.

So I get the car back as I was told I could drive with this fault until we could schedule a new appointment. The car finally goes to the shop again, they change the ECU and when I pick it up I get the check engine light again immediately. I then scan the vehicle with my own OBDeleven and get a ton of errors, including cooling pump B, but also transmission errors, some heat exchanger thing(don't know what its called in English), infotainment errors, and drive motor errors(not sure of the name, but I think its the electric motor but not sure).

I've now been told that they cannot figure out the faults as they have checked all parts that have error codes for them and the relevant wiring and that they have contacted Seat technical division for further advice. I don't have much confidence anymore that things will get sorted which is why I hope that maybe some of you could have an idea of what to look for.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2018
Sounds like they botched the ECU replacement. To my knowledge each of the modules in the car are updated and synced individually, if you replace one you have to ensure all the modules connected or reliant are compatible, then you have the issue of component protection to resolve.
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Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
Ouch again dealership not knowing the SEAT knowledge. :mad: . You can run test on the pump from ECU. Measure the PINs if needed. Let them speak to seat potentially they will be replacing the pump as start with and then troubleshoot further. As Boomer mentioned ECU is coded to the vehicle and maybe that wasn't run correctly. You can also check the Long codding if you connected there previously and have OBDeleven log?


Active Member
Nov 20, 2023
Thank you for the inputs so fare. I don't have access to the car at the moment. I'm also new to OBDeleven, didn't know I could access the fault codes without being connected to the car after a scan. Anyway I've noted down all the fault codes, maybe it can give an idea of what is going on. Again thank you all for taking the time to assist. Much appreciated.

Fault codes
Engine: P261A00(Coolant Pump B control circuit/open), B184C00(Release active)
Transmission: 18 faults of unknown
Central Electrics: B201B00(Program monitoring)
Airbag: E112300(Databus error value recieved), B101C07(Driver seat belt switch mechanical malfunction)
Dashboard: U14FE00(Signature inspection failed)
Brake Boost: U14E400(Recieved malfunction value)
Driver door: B11F613(open circuit mirror motor)
Drive Motor: U014600(Lost communication with serial data gateway module A)
Telematics: U111100(Function limitation due to missing message)
Battery charger: U111100(Function limitation due to missing message)
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Active Member
Nov 20, 2023
Ok, I've gotten the car back from the shop. Car is no longer complaining about faults. They changed some wiring that was tested ok but somehow still managed to cause fault codes. I've run another scan on the car with OBDeleven and I still see fault codes. I've listed them below. Dunno what to think about it. I hate seeing errors but it seems the car is working fine otherwise.

Fault codes:
Transmission: 16 faults of unknown.
Airbag: B101C07(Driver seat belt switch mechanical malfunction)
Dashboard: 3xU105400(Information electronics control module 1 no comm) New, U14FE00(Signature inspection failed)
Brake Boost: U14E400(Recieved malfunction value)
Driver door: B11F613(open circuit mirror motor)
Drive Motor: U014600(Lost communication with serial data gateway module A)
Multimedia(New): BC18CA01(Antenna for coupling antenna for mobile devices)
Telematics: U111100(Function limitation due to missing message)
Battery charger: U111100(Function limitation due to missing message)
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