Seat Ibiza 2010 starting issue

Feb 13, 2024
I'm at a loss now so I've turned to forums for help!

My car will not turn over. No life from the starter motor.

I get lights on my dash which rules out the battery, I've replaced my starter motor and I've also replaced my ignition switch.

My next idea is to start stripping the sense wire from the starter motor to see if its a wiring fault somewhere.

Does anyone have any suggestions or has anyone ran into this issue before?

Thanks in advance.
Feb 13, 2024
Does the starter turn or is it just dead, do the dash lights dim when you crank it over?
The starter got replaced, dash lights do not dim, the battery is fine.

I've ran a 12v current to the sense lead from the ignition switch and the car turns over. The switch has also been replaced. I can now start the car with a screwdriver by just turning the ignition switch (obviously with my key next to the immobiliser) so I'm under the assumption now its the ignition barrel not turning the ignition switch fully which is odd to me because it feels normal.


Active Member
Jul 11, 2022
I had it years ago when I worked for vauxhall and I think I had 1 or 2 cases at VW where the tip snaps off that fits into the ignition switch so as you turn the key it doesn't turn the switch, worth a check
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