Remapped LCR - Highest MAF values?

May 13, 2007

I have a remapped LCR with a BMC CDA sp12 induction. The car made 242hp on the RR and I can see from my logs that the MAF read 193 g/sec MAX.

So the 242hp and 193 g/sec seems equal enough, but, it boosts around 1,5 bar.
Could my BMC CDA be the limiter here? or may'be the standard TIP?

Seems odd to me that i only flows 193 g/sec, but boosting at 1,5 bar?

Can I get some figures of fairly standard LCR's with remaps? Should'nt it be around 200-210 g/sec?

Btw. The MAF is new and the original logged same result.
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Active Member
Dec 7, 2006
I would be interested in the replies here I made 233 on a RR and haven't came to a conclusion yet I have actually ordered a new MAF as it has a slight hesitation now when in at part throttle and when MAF off no hesitation.


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001

I have a remapped LCR with a BMC CDA sp12 induction. The car made 242hp on the RR and I can see from my logs that the MAF read 193 g/sec MAX.

So the 242hp and 193 g/sec seems equal enough, but, it boosts around 1,5 bar.
Could my BMC CDA be the limiter here? or may'be the standard TIP?

Seems odd to me that i only flows 193 g/sec, but boosting at 1,5 bar?

Can I get some figures of fairly standard LCR's with remaps? Should'nt it be around 200-210 g/sec?

Btw. The MAF is new and the original logged same result.

was your log 2500mb and 193g/s at the same time? - what rpm in the log?


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
ibizacupra, not at all, the 193 g/s is at max rpm. 1,5 is just full boost

so the same question then... what boost at that airflow?

it was not 193g/s @ 1.5bar was it

there will be more correlation to airflow if you post a log or the logged boost & rpm at that max g/s you got - can make more of a comparison then to logs i have
May 13, 2007
Saturday	11	April	2009	10:58:30	
1ML 906 032 		1,8l R4/5VT     G   0001			
	Group A:	'003			
		RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign, Timing
Marker	STAMP	 /min	 g/s	%	 °BTDC
	26,87	1160	5	4,3	18
	27,48	1200	17,61	54,9	12,8
	28,19	1360	19,97	64,3	12,8
	28,87	1520	23,83	70,6	14,3
	29,51	1720	27,92	78,4	14,3
	30,17	1920	33,94	83,9	15
	30,81	2120	41,14	88,2	14,3
	31,5	2400	54,53	92,9	12,8
	32,06	2680	74,69	96,5	10,5
	32,66	3000	110	99,6	4,5
	33,23	3360	150,72	100	1,5
	33,75	3800	156,83	100	6
	34,34	4200	164,89	99,6	6
	34,95	4560	168,97	100	11,3
	35,61	4960	177,33	100	6,8
	36,22	5320	183	100	8,3
	36,86	5640	189,28	100	9,8
	37,53	6000	190,61	100	9
	38,14	6200	163,56	52,2	12
	38,86	6440	147	51,8	17,3

I dont have a log of both MAF and boost at the same time. But I will make one!
I have a other boost log, so you can get an idea of the boost.
1ML 906 032 		1,8l R4/5VT         0001				
	Group A:	'115				Group B:
		RPM	Load	Absolute Pres,	Absolute Pres,	
Marker	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP
	0,67	1240	73,7	1430	990	0
	1,84	1480	56,4	1000	1090	1,3
	3	1480	14,3	1000	1020	2,41
	12,08	1040	71,4	1320	990	11,45
	13,16	1360	77,4	1480	1070	12,59
	14,31	1680	86,5	1660	1170	13,75
	15,53	2080	99,2	1730	1320	14,89
	16,8	2600	129,3	2160	1690	16,17
	18,2	3520	191,7	2500	2460	17,5
	19,51	4440	191,7	2550	2440	18,87
	20,83	5240	189,5	2350	2240	20,2
	22,12	5880	174,4	2060	2140	21,42
May 13, 2007
I Just changed the flow to the BMC CDA a bit. Removed the airhose from the end of the filter, and moved it 5 cm away from it. Now the car "flowed" 197 g/sec.

Saturday	11	April	2009	14:53:24						
1ML 906 032 		1,8l R4/5VT     G   0001								
	Group A:	'115				Group B:	'003			
		RPM	Load	Absolute Pres,	Absolute Pres,		RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign, Timing
	TIME					TIME				
Marker	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP	 /min	 g/s	%	 °ATDC
	568,76	760	20,3	1000	1000	568,09	760	2,92	2,7	2,3
	570,09	1000	63,2	1000	1020	569,48	1400	14,42	11	16,5
	571,23	1800	47,4	1000	1050	570,65	1360	14,42	11,4	23,3
	572,39	1200	15	1000	1020	571,84	1640	3,86	3,5	8,3
	573,56	1280	40,6	1000	1010	572,98	1200	8,19	7,1	26,3
	574,81	1200	16,5	1000	1020	574,2	1400	12,14	9,4	27
	576,14	1120	66,9	1010	1020	575,42	1040	8,56	7,1	24
	577,53	1400	61,7	1000	1070	576,83	1240	16,28	13,3	17,3
	578,73	1560	39,8	1000	1050	578,14	1480	14,72	11,4	24
	579,78	1640	76,7	1630	1020	579,31	1600	11,11	8,6	30,8
	580,92	1960	88	1650	1200	580,33	1800	30,14	80,4	18,8
	582,17	2440	120,3	2060	1550	581,55	2160	45,64	88,6	14,3
	583,28	3120	191,7	2330	2520	582,76	2760	88,47	97,3	12
	584,47	4040	191,7	2550	2540	583,87	3600	131,44	100	8,3
	585,69	4880	191,7	2440	2370	585,06	4480	173,14	100	14,3
	586,9	5560	180,5	2220	2230	586,26	5240	189,25	100	12,8
	588,23	6200	143,6	1780	2020	587,61	5920	197,14	100	10,5
	589,62	5000	100	2340	1240	588,94	6440	162,72	76,9	12
	590,81	5400	185,7	2270	2270	590,22	5200	187,72	100	8,3
	591,92	5760	164,7	2010	2270	591,34	5600	191,86	100	9,8
	593,06	6040	148,9	1770	1920	592,5	5920	170,22	51,4	13,5
	594,34	6240	132,3	1720	1720	593,69	6120	153,39	51,8	20,3
May 13, 2007
Cant really remove the housing, as the filter is placed in the opposite direction of the maf.
But i will get some hks foam filter, jetex or whatever is recommended in
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