Rear Tyre Consumption?


Active Member
Aug 12, 2008
Hmm. That's interesting. Thanks for the heads-up SEATgod. As I'm still a 'newbie', I'm prevented from PM-ing you unfortunately...
I believe their laser alignment kit is called 'Visualiner Pro32'. I don't know what version of figures they are using. At the top of my printout it says "SEAT, LEON, 06-08. Sport Suspension G50/51".


Ok, I imagine your chassis number will be VSSZZZ1PZ x R012345.

What is the X?

What engine have you got fitted? BKD, BXE etc?

Is the vehicle a Reference Sport or a Stylance with upgrade?

The G50/51 means they have set it to PR code, but first we need to work out exactly what PR code they should be using.

The problem is that tyre centres buy the machine and get a years free updates for example....SEAT keep optimising the wheel alignment figures and the tyre centres don't buy the updates (in some cases - not all).

A MY07 with prod number 000001 will be completely different to say a MY07 with prod number 555555 for example!

But tyre centres tar the one whole model year with one brush!!

This could cover a million cars!! It is seen very very often!!

SEAT Dealers who outsource to tyre centres normally supply the figures so the vehicle is set up right!!

You can ask your Dealer for this information, but chances are they will say no as they pay a premium to have the latest info!!

For example, ELSA 3.6 has just been released and the new Ibiza and MY09 Leon wheel alignment figures are completely different to those supplied for MY08.

The other option is you can post the figures your vehicle was set to and I can tell you if they are correct or not!!

How many posts until you can PM?



noticing this forum, its now been brought to my attention that its not my driving thats made me go through a set of tyres each month! i havnt mentioned anything to the dealership as i assumed it was my driving causing this. my tread seems to be wearing down on the outside of the rear tyres and also the outside of the font tyres... should i bring this to the dealerships attention at its service at the end of this month?


If you are scrubbing the outside of the tyres then you need to check your tyre pressures according to laden weight and go a bit easier in the corners!! ;-) The geometry would have to be extremely positive to scrub the outer edges!! You would know by driving it!! As in it wouldn't drive rather than just guess the direction it wanted to go in!!

The complaint is heel and toe wear on the inside edge of the rear tyres which is a natural affect of a front wheel drive vehicle, but can be accelerated by incorrect geometry and tyre make and pressure settings! Typically 17 or 18 inch wheels on vehicles with PR codes G50/51 (sports), FR or Cupra running gear!


Active Member
Aug 12, 2008
Not sure on the PM post count...
My 'x' is "8" - you're correct on the rest of the chassis number - the final part is around about the 005000 mark.
Engine Code: BKD
It's a Stylance with upgrade

My final settings were...
Camber Left: -0° 41’ Right: -0° 29’
Toe Left: 0° 08’ Right: 0° 03’

Camber Left: -1° 05’ Right: -0° 56’
Toe Left: 0° 07’ Right: 0° 07’

How does that look?




Front Axle:

Total Toe 10' +/- 10'
Camber -41' +/- 30'

Rear Axle

Total toe 10' +/- 10'
Camber -1* 20' +/- 30'

front ride height 393mm
rear ride height 375mm

I would not be happy with rear camber and the front toe may result in pulling or a steering wheel not straight!!

Not bad....could do better, you are almost out on the right hand rear wheel camber!

Those are official up to date settings...look how different your supplied settings are!!

I hope this helps!

p.s. just keep an eye on them and keep your tyre pressures perfect......very important!!


i got a louc clunking noise coming from the rear of my car, i had a accident which involved changina few parts under the car. nearside wishbone an other neccasary components, i now have a loud noise i get when going over rough rough roads. driving is not affected an the ride is still so smooth just really noisy, an sumtimes wen going at some speed my car slides out to the right puttin me once into a 90mph drift on the m4! any ideas to resolve this? thanks


i have something to say also
a long while ago i was trying to drift and after the session i start hearing the womble in the rear tyre. i went to the dealer but they say its because a tyre got worn out because of drifting. having the Cupra with 18 inch rims, you can imagine how annoying any uneven wear is. the tyres are Bridgestone Potenza btw


You were drifting your Cupra and wanted them to pay for the tyres or have I got the wrong end of the stick?? ;-)


Active Member
Jan 13, 2008
wheel alignment settings for Stylance 2.0 tdi dsg

car going in to have alignment check on Friday pm. NSF Pirelli P7 tyre 225/45 x 17 91W replaced in August 08 at 19000 miles as was down to limit, but with even wear. OSF at 22000 miles still has a few thousand miles life, being replaced also on Friday.

Would really appreciate it, if i could get factory settings before then.

Chassis no: 1PZ 7R 058787 07 model year with 17" rim option

At least this would be a start, as many warranty issues still unresolved since new built November 06.

Now : Rear brake pads 70% worn at 19600 miles (August 08 service) yet fronts still have plenty of meat.

Official response from Seat Technical today was: not aware of any concerns of this nature. Brakes are wear and tear components and wear in accordance with driving style. Impossible to predict how long pads and discs will last.

I have never know rear pads wearing faster than front before in 36 years of driving. I only wanted to know why and what could be the possible cause, brake bias or a faulty cylinder? Car is a diesel, so would have thought that bias should be at front first?

Also diagnostic check showed no fault with engine, yet after 50 tank to tank checks average mpg still not reached 41 mpg. Has had 2 replacement turbo`s in first 8 months within 6900 miles and EGR valve stuck in June 08.

I am not at all happy, as I don`t drive car hard and now stick to 60 mph max, otherwise consumption drops and is somewhat erratic.

Also had rattle from behind air vents since day one and still not fixed. In cold weather vibrates all the time and dealer has heard this, replaced centre vents but did not cure. Today no fault found! Was not cold enough, but I can reproduce just by putting a/c on low

Now losing faith fast in Seat UK, as was promised in August 07 that all issues at that time would be resolved. If only!:cry:

Thanks in anticipation


Active Member
Sep 28, 2006
Drove all the way to the dealers today for them to say that there was a problem with a certain batch, but seat are claiming it's only covered for 6 months or 6000 miles...:( Techie advised I get the tracking done, then repalce the other rear if the sound still persists...:(

Took it to Hi-Q this evening for laser alingment but they didn't seem too sure about it so I told them to leave it. They said it will only sort the toe in/out which wouldn't normally cause tyres to wear unevenly. This true?

I'm now thinking of tryign ATS, anyone had any success?
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Leon Tyre wear

I had my Seat Leon reference sport tyres check and was told that the inside of both rear tyres had no tread with 3-4mm on the rest of the tyre. They suggested I contact the main dealer to find out why.
I had my car serviced at Stoke SEAT to be told that its ok for the tyres to wear on the inside ???
So I thought I'd try customer services on 0500 222222 who said I could have a geometry check, but as its a serviceable item I would have to pay.
So I guess the line from SEAT is its fine for your rear tyres to become bald and wear unevenly Maybe more people should give them a call ansd see if the reply changes


Active Member
Sep 28, 2006
I've given up on this now and have managed to forget about it as it was spoiling my enjoyment of the car
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