Hello guys , i am a fresh owner of a Seat Leon 1M1 ARL from 2004 and i ve had an issue with my clutch , it would get my transmission stuck in 1st gear or it wouldnt let me go into 1st or 2nd gear so i went to a mechanic and he told me that my clutch pipe is cracked or something like that and it needs to be changed cause it was leaking clutch liquid , as far as i've looked everywhere from 20 year old forum threads to cars being dismantled and i cant seem to find the clutch pipe (1J1 721 465 BC OEM CODE) but as i started looking into it i ve seen that there might be a pipe from another 1M engine that has the same gearbox and clutch but i cant find it anywhere if it fits 100% 1J1 721 465 P this is the OEM CODE for it! Please help me guys !