Hi All
Well what a washout - never stopped raining all day and some very heavy rain also. Brilliantly organised as usual, Liverpool MC put on a cracking event which went without many incidents, especially impressive given the weather. At the drivers briefing beforehand, we were warned that there was deep standing water on the inside of the corners as the infield was saturated and wouldn’t take any more water….looks like karting lines are in order then ! Was checking the weather the night before and couldn’t decide whether full wets (Eagle F1 road tyres in my case) or intermediates (Toyo 888’s) were in order – decided to chance it with the Toyo’s and fitted em at home the night before so no messing about when I got to the track. Family decided to stop at home…good plan, so everything had to go in my car, tools/tent/clothes/spares/fuel etc etc, just about all went in ok. Chucked the tent up on arrival and emptied the car contents into it. Tried to stay dry – a blessing to have a heater still in the car on days like this, others in class having big problems with steaming up.
Running in 3b as usual, mod prod 1400-2000cc with loads of other cars, 11 I think in the end – 2 elises, 2 pug 205’s, clio, alfa, xr2, saxo, RS2000 and an impreza.
P1 – stalled on the line (duh) not concentrating, got going and wanted to just have a look where all the water is, 68.82
P2 – 58.44, seemed ok, damn slippy though
T1 – 57.93, better, bit more aggressive in braking zones
Lunch – currently in 2nd behind mad fast lotus running 53.31, 205 Mi16 and RS2000 not too far behind though 58.75 and 58.96, heavens opened over lunch, rivers of water
T2 – 57.42 – bit between teeth and go for it, big slide middle of beechers bend at maybe 90mph, kept foot down and pulled it out, exciting !
T3 – more of the same, attack the braking zones and same corner speed as before, 56.81.
2nd place trophy splitting 2 elises 53.31, 56.81, 57.63.
Personal best time in dry is 52.48 so miles off this obviously given conditions. Well chuffed with the Toyo 888’s, ran em pretty soft to get some grip but not bad in the conditions and would have been superior to road tyres if it dried a little, was worth the gamble.
Very pleased overall. Spent today drying everything LOL. So as far as championship is concerned, (Div 2 of Liverpool+Chester MC Champs) 3 out of 6 rounds now gone and have 301 points – this puts me 3rd overall against those who have done 3 rounds so far so its looking hopeful.
Next is 2 day event end July at Loton Park.
Ave it
ps - 3
ibiza's in total at this event, pretty good for a 'minor' manufacturer, me (56.81), Bob Jones in Road Mod Mk2 16V (60.55) and Gordon Hick in Mk4 Cupra TDI (60.50)....valver beaten by a TDI !
some pics hopefully soon - a few already at