I flushed the egr cooler and the water side of the egr the flow was in my opinion was good, at various stages trying to solve my issues i thought i was sorted, at one point id great even heat from the all vents. Sorted i thought. I thought id cured it with the blocked pump and obviously that helped a lot but was not the total fix, although my cabin was red hot.
After that at the next regen it lost another header tank full of coolant, i was pulling pipes all over looking for restrictions or blockages yet again after doing them once before, i removed the pipes at bulk head to the head and egr cooler for a better look. The top pipe has a smaller, thin pipe on the same coupling. This is the return to header tank pipe from the matrix, it has a one way valve in it and i think this is responsible for returning for any overpressure in the matrix, this return valve on mine flowed both ways not one way which was to allow flow to the header tank from the matrix and not back. My thoughts are as the systems pressure rose higher during a regen the pressure was flowing back towards the matrix through the faulty valve causing all sorts of issues localized boiling etc.
I replaced that pipe system and touch wood i can say with confidence it has cured it.
Although every time i put that in print it does it again.