ODB2 - Feeler


Active Member
Jul 7, 2007
Maidstone, Kent
Hi guys n gals,

Looking at my next electronics based project (its a toss up between an OBDII reader or a MIB interface and mimic for some kit at work), would rather go for the OBDII interface as much more fun, then creating a moc up UTMC VMS for demos in our control room at work.

Just putting a feeler out for what potential users would want from such a device, would be like other projects I've worked on where I post them on the net for all to see and build themselves. (FYI I'm recently qualified in electronic engineering but don't use it in my job, so find projects to undertake to keep my hand in) it would be a basic ISO9141 interface in the first instance should I get round to doing this.

I was thinking of a user requirement of:

Handheld or dash mountable where the tray is under the radio in the MK4
Self powered / powered off the OBD connection
Simple interface on a 2 or 3 line LCD (red back light!)

The above meet my needs for such a device as my main needs are simple fault code reader / reset facility.

Could also consider built in fault code logging, wireless link to PC but these add to the complexity.

Any thoughts let me know, this is something I hope to knock up in the next year but I can't guarentee this.

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I have no idea what you are going on about but somehow it still manages to sound cool and complex. perhaps you could put it in words us simpletons of the forum will be able to understand ;)


Active Member
Jul 7, 2007
Maidstone, Kent
Sorry get a bit carried away with the detail! OBD (Onbroad Diagnostics)

Basically a hand held or in car mountable fault code reader, and reset device.

A bonus is you get to see various measuring blocks / status views of the engine e.g. RPM in real time


175hp. 275lbs/ft.
Nov 18, 2006
Sorry get a bit carried away with the detail! OBD (Onbroad Diagnostics)

Basically a hand held or in car mountable fault code reader, and reset device.

A bonus is you get to see various measuring blocks / status views of the engine e.g. RPM in real time

Sounds good but can't help thinking Vag-com got there first. :shrug:

You'll need to answer a few questions first.

How much to make?
What software and how easy to use?
Would you include instructions about interpreting data and resetting?

If you already have or can borrow a laptop you're half way there before you start.
Basic Vag-com is available free (admittedly with limitations) and interface cables can be had for under 20 quid delivered from Ebay.

As I said sounds good :), but I suspect a lot more detail would be needed before most people could think about saying yes.

Regards Guy.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2007
Maidstone, Kent
I agree re VAGCOM and its great for what it does.

What I'm thinking of is more of a gimic for a friend, and I have some uses for such a tool as my laptop isn't always to hand, but its primerily my first stab at OBD comms, that can be incoorporated into some of the more practicle elements of my studying - hence the need for some user requirements.

Its not intended to be a commercial product, but a tried and tested open source design that people can have a play with if they wish. If people are interested they can probably knock it up for a reasonable price dependant on component prices at the time.

I document my work as much as possible, part of the parcel of working with inteligent traffic control systems. I'm looking at using a 2/4 line LCD so the item should be able to give the refernence block name for the measuring block in question then the value measured followed by its units. If there is enough memory in the chosen microcontroller/cpu (likely to be some form of Microchip PIC) I will try to produce a look up of fault codes so plain english description is given. It would be an integrated unit so the user interface would be a couple of push buttons say up down and enter. The code will be writen in raw Microchip assembly language or Pic Basic so people could contribute to this to enhance functionality.

I put a shout on here as someone may be interested and think yes but what if it could do this...

Thanks for your feed back its much appreciated :), and prompts me to think of more about this.

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