So i solved my problems. For any of you who have problems with the sunroof, and need the the vehicle variant code , it is 531632 for the vz 310.
So i solved my problems. For any of you who have problems with the sunroof, and need the the vehicle variant code , it is 531632 for the vz 310.
Hello I could not find the information about the traffic sign in the forums. I have a navigation system in my car. I have hardware features in the picture while I added. Is there anyone can help please?Well the Obdeleven board moderator says it's a SWAP code now and directs someone asking to the Golf 8 for details. SWAP functions are license ones. Prior to the latest platform it was open to coding except not all Lane Assist cameras were equipped for the mod. The latter ones possibly in readiness for the lock down.
Coding the new KL | OBDeleven
Hi all Is the new Seat Leon KL still locked for coding?
Golf 8:
Trafic Sign Recognition (TSR) | OBDeleven
Hi team,I have a '21 MK8 Style package with 10inch media with no navigation (it's now on 30day trial just to check it out but it doesn't worth the money) and also with ACC, Lane and
I guess that might change in due time as the community understand the hardware but well after PCPs swap their vehicle out. Moral here get the car fully specified when you get it.
You can't post fit traffic sign recognition (TSR) in the platform of this car if that's the question. It's a signed license code even if you had the hardware so it would have to be enabled on ODIS I believe and you'd have to pay. A similar issue came up where people attempted to fit the Ateca power boot. Locked down by ODIS and dealers had no screens to do it since it was sold without the facility as defined by the VIN. Wait a few years and people may find ways of doing it. It's going to be a retrofitters job in the years to come or skilled hobbyists. The former use the latter's work and sell on, belief by hobbyists that do the coding.Hello I could not find the information about the traffic sign in the forums. I have a navigation system in my car. I have hardware features in the picture while I added. Is there anyone can help please?
A5-Driver Assistance long coding
00 03 08 88 11 6C C0 40 00 9E 40 80 10 20 00 20 00 A3 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Is there a way of turning off rear seatbelt audible warnings?
People are saying this still works on 2023 carsAnybody have the coding for the audible chirps for alarm arming and disarming? I’d rather not use the app version. TIA
Cheers Deano. Will give it a whirl tomorrow. TyPeople are saying this still works on 2023 cars
Mirror making a brrr noise, ain’t gonna wake me at 3am if someone manages to unlock my car. A small chirp willI just look at the mirrors with my Ateca... and handy when have walked away and just glance.... and the mirrors make a brrrr noise. I think we have had the conversation on the Formentor thread somewhere and it was done. I can't stand the honk sound you hear abroad, illegal in the UK and was assured it was fairly silent on the implementation like the video
The chirp is so quite you won't hear it in the night, doesn't come from horn as I understand it. You'd get the car alarm going if someone broke in so I wouldn't worry about it. It seems on the other conversation Kessy issues with the key being read are sorted since the key goes into sleep mode if not being moved, so whilst you sleep your key sleeps wherever it is placed, motion detection activation. Saying that probably not a good idea not to take some precautions with the key.Mirror making a brrr noise, ain’t gonna wake me at 3am if someone manages to unlock my car. A small chirp will
I’ve never heard that this is illegal in the UK, can you please show me where you have this info from as I can’t find anything.
If the chirp is similar to that of my TT, it will wake me or at least have more chance than waking me than a brrrr noise.The chirp is so quite you won't hear it in the night, doesn't come from horn as I understand it. You'd get the car alarm going if someone broke in so I wouldn't worry about it. It seems on the other conversation Kessy issues with the key being read are sorted since the key goes into sleep mode if not being moved, so whilst you sleep your key sleeps wherever it is placed, motion detection activation. Saying that probably not a good idea not to take some precautions with the key.
Fits into the noise nuisance category it's illegal to sound a horn if stationary without good reason, highway code. Locking the car isn't one.If the chirp is similar to that of my TT, it will wake me or at least have more chance than waking me than a brrrr noise.
Car alarm will go off if they break in, NOT if they manage to steal the key and use it hence I was after the coding.
I do have precautions with the key in a faraday bag, however, this will not deter everyone and would like to have the chirp if that's OK with you.
You still haven't showed me anything to say this is illegal in the UK (especially as you mentioned that its also so quiet that it wouldn't wake me)