Live Data
Simply put on each control unit you will find a link to Live data.
As an example on my pre facelift car under control unit 01 - engine I have the following attributes
Live Data
A/C compressor torque
Absolute intake pressure
Absolute load value
ACC variants
ACC variants (
Accelerator pedal, sensor voltage 1
Accelerator pedal, sensor voltage 2
Accelerator position
Accelerator position 2
Activation of fuel pump electronics
Activation of oil pressure switch valve
Activation of oxygen control after main cat
Activation radiator shutter result
Active brake system status
Adapt of angle sensor 1 f throttle valve
Adapt of angle sensor 2 f throttle valve
Adaptation of angle sensor 1 throttle valve, emerg. air gap
Adaptation of angle sensor 2 throttle valve, emerg. air дар
Adaptation of kick-down shifting point
Adaptation of load shift flaps
Adaptation of loss torque
Adaptation of throttle valve
Adaptation status for transmission neutral position sensor
Adaptation val cyl 1 with fast diagnosis
Adaptation val cyl 1 with slow diagnosis
Adaptation val cyl 2 with fast diagnosis
Adaptation val cyl 2 with slow diagnosis
Adaptation val cyl 3 with fast diagnosis
Adaptation val cyl 3 with slow diagnosis
Adaptation val cyl 4 with fast diagnosis
Adaptation val cyl 4 with slow diagnosis
Adaptive long-term value of mix. condition after cat. conv
Air mass, specified value
Allocation of oxygen sensors
Ambient air pressure
Average of ignition timing angle delay adjustment
AVS error status of last switch-over AVS stroke direction
AVS error status of last switch-over standard stroke direction
AVS operating condition
AVS overflow meter for all switch-overs
AVS switch-over meter for reg activation of curr. drive cycle
AVS switch-over meter, total
AVS valve stroke position, current
Brake light switch status
Brake system vacuum pump
Brake test switch status
Calculated oil temperature
Camshaft adaptation exhaust bank 1, phase position
Camshaft adaptation intake bank 1, phase position
Camshaft adjustment intake bank 1, activation
Camshaft adjustment intake bank 1, actual value
Camshaft adjustment intake bank 1, specified value
Camshaft adjustment, exhaust, bank 1, activation
Camshaft adjustment, exhaust, bank 1, actual value
Camshaft adjustment, exhaust, bank 1, specified value
Camshaft speed (RPM)
Cause for cancellation
CCS Switch
Charge air pressure control valve activation pulse duty factor
Charge air pressure control valve adaptation performed
Charge air pressure control valve position, actual value
Charge air pressure control valve position, target value
Charge air pressure control valve uncond voltage sensor
Charge air pressure control valve voltage, position closed
Charge air pressure control valve voltage, position open
Charge air pressure sensor, unconditioned voltage
Charge air pressure specified value
Charge air pressure, actual value
Charge press. ctrl.
Charge press. ctrl., adapt. higher than max. threshold
Charge Pressure Actuator, acknowledgment
Charge pressure actuator, actual position
Charge pressure actuator, adaptation for lower stop
Charge pressure actuator, adaptation for upper stop
Charge pressure actuator, operating status
Charge pressure actuator, specified position
Charge pressure actuator, specified value
Charge pressure control, less than min. threshold adaptation
Chg. press. ctrl. valve, sensor voltage max. value
Close cam shaft angle at quantity control valve
Clutch position sensor
Contact for tank leak test
Control module distance driven
Control module temperature
Coolant circulation pump, activation
Coolant fan 1, activation
Coolant fan 2, activation
Coolant shut-off valve
Coolant temp at radiator output, unconditioned voltage
Coolant temperature
Coolant temperature at engine outlet, specified value
Coolant temperature at engine outlet, unconditioned voltage
Coolant temperature at engine start
Coolant temperature at radiator outlet, actual value
Coolant temperature at radiator output, specified value
Coolant temperature difference between engine and radiator
Counter for fuel entry in oil
Crankshaft speed (RPM)
Cruise control switch actuation
Cruise Control System (CCS), status
Cruise control system, permanent deactivation
Cruise Control System, specified speed
Cruise control system, temporary deactivation
Current of oxygen sensor bank 1 sensor 1 (broadband sensor)
Currently running routine
Dist. driven with exh. Malfunction Indicator Lamp activated
Distance driven since erasing DTC memory
Driver request torque
Driver request torque
Drivetrain coord, cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode
Drivetrain coordinator, ACC fault status
Drivetrain coordinator, brake fault status
Drivetrain coordinator, brake function status
Dynamic average of ignition timing angle delay adjustment
Dynamic factor 02 sensors bank 1 or bank 3 before cat. conv.
Engine mount 1
Engine mount 2
Engine oil temperature
Engine reverse rotation recognition
Engine shut-down overrides
Engine speed
Engine starting requirements
Engine status
Engine temp. management actuator, duty cycle activation
Engine temp. management actuator, raw value
Engine temp. mangmt. actuator, actual value of angle
Engine temp. mangmt. actuator, specified value of angle
Engine temper.
managem.actuator adaptation, result adaptation
Engine temperature management actuator
Engine temperature management actuator, after-run stop
Engine temperature management actuator, stop open
Engine torque
Engine-drag torque
Equivalence ratio target value
Error counter bad fuel
Error status for start-stop related sensors
Exhaust flap bank 1
Exhaust flap bank 2, activation
Exhaust flap, activation
Exhaust gas temperature before catalytic converter
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1
Exhaust temperature 1 bank 1
Fuel consumption
Fuel high pressure sensor, unconditioned voltage
Fuel high pressure, actual value
Fuel low pressure sensor, unconditioned voltage
Fuel low pressure, actual value
Fuel Metering Valve
Fuel Pressure
Fuel temperature
Gear position sensor, current value
Gear position sensor, gear position valid
Gear position sensor, last valid value
Gear position sensor, raw value
Generator, load signal
Heat quantity that was transported via the catalytic converter
Heated oxygen sensor bank 1, sensor 1, activation
Heated oxygen sensor bank 1, sensor 1, resistance
Heated oxygen sensor bank 1, sensor 2, activation
Heated oxygen sensor bank 1, sensor 2, resistance
Heater support pump, spec. value
Hide cylinder
High fuel pressure, control deviation
High fuel pressure, specified value
High pressure pump injection volume
High pressure pump injection volume control deviation
High pressure regulation, adaptation value
Idle speed specified value
Ignition angle of current cylinder, actual value
Ignition timing adjustment cylinder 1
Intake air temperature
Intake air temperature, unconditioned voltage
Intake manifold pressure raw value
Intake manifold pressure, corrected
Intake manifold pressure, target value
Intake manifold Runner Control (IMRC), acknowledgment
Intake manifold Runner Control (IMRC), activation
Intake manifold runner control (IMRC), offset closed
Intake manifold Runner Control (IMRC), unconditioned voltage
Knock sensor, cylinder 1, voltage
Knock sensor, cylinder 2, voltage
Knock sensor, cylinder 3, voltage
Knock sensor, cylinder 4, voltage
Limitation, torque
Limitation, torque of clutch protection
Load shift flaps, actual value
Load shift flaps, specified value
Long term adaptation of mixture formation bank 1
Long term adaptation of oxygen sensor control, bank 1
Long-term adaptation of intake manifold injection
Long-term adaptation of intake manifold injection in idle
Long-term fuel trim bank 1 at idle
Lost torque adaptation A/ C compressor and driving mode
Lost torque adaptation driving mode
Lost torque adaptation,
Low fuel pressure adaptation value for EFP
Low fuel pressure, specified value
Manifold absolute pressure sensor, unconditioned voltage
Mass flow through throttle valve
Mean engine air mass
Mean injection quantity
Median injection timing
Median vehicle speed
Misfire sum counter
Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cyl. 1 intake manif. injection
Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cyl. 2 intake manif. injection
Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cyl. 3 intake manif. injection
Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cyl. 4 intake manif. injection
Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cylinder 1
Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cylinder 2
Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cylinder 3
Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cylinder 4
Mixture adaptation factor at idle speed
Mixture adaptation factor at partial load
Mixture deviation in adapted partial load range
Monitoring status in current driving cycle
Monitoring status of additional Onboard Diagnosis
Monitoring status Onboard Diagnosis camshaft and knock sensor
Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory
Neutral position sensor, adapted transmission angle
Neutral position sensor, current transmission angle
Neutral position sensor, lower adaptation value
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All you have to do is select the relevant attributes (you can have many but the more you have the slower the refresh rate is).