
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1


Apr 3, 2020
Yes, yesterday I tried to delete all the folders except 27 and rename it to 00, but nothing.

Looking in the maps/27/sds, I see that it is empty, while other regions have files, I don't know if it is normal ...


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Yes, yesterday I tried to delete all the folders except 27 and rename it to 00, but nothing.

Looking in the maps/27/sds, I see that it is empty, while other regions have files, I don't know if it is normal ...

Mine is empty as well... but works. Most of the stuff is in the directory Product that it uses if you see what I mean.


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Apr 3, 2020
I just tried an older version map (MRM3_STD_1310), doing all the steps, even rebooting the infotainment, and it doesn't work.
I think it will be because the infotainment version no longer allows you to do that.

Thank you so much for your time.


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Unless it's a Mac thing you are probably right. Pity as you see on the T6forum people taking their VAG cars emigrating to New Zealand have used the method.

The only thing I did different to that thread is that I never presented the unit with the other countries, post 1

You did test with the 1420 overall.nds file since you got a relatively VW where Mapcare is scrubbed. Could be the firmware is more stringent on this trick providing better validation that you aren't taking liberties. I know I keep going back to Mac issues. Fat32 if you re-formatted it. QNX doesnt like anything other than Fat32. Been instances on the thread where NTFS has been used and it reads some of the files but then won't work correctly.


Apr 3, 2020
Unless it's a Mac thing you are probably right. Pity as you see on the T6forum people taking their VAG cars emigrating to New Zealand have used the method.

The only thing I did different to that thread is that I never presented the unit with the other countries, post 1

You did test with the 1420 overall.nds file since you got a relatively VW where Mapcare is scrubbed. Could be the firmware is more stringent on this trick providing better validation that you aren't taking liberties. I know I keep going back to Mac issues. Fat32 if you re-formatted it. QNX doesnt like anything other than Fat32. Been instances on the thread where NTFS has been used and it reads some of the files but then won't work correctly.

It's the first thing I've tried ;)

What I do not understand why Volkswagen does not allow it ?!


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Then there is this link I posted up here which says the region's are controlled by the CID post 2074:

If that is true your unit may be obeying it. They zero outed the string at the end. I fouńd the first string is common. You'd need the Evo Gold card for that, Ubunto etc on the thread. The other approach is perhaps the Seat 1030 card is more accommodating than your VAG card. Seat Navigation V7 if I recall correctly. That's the card and CID I've used for this test. Depends how much time and effort you want to invest. Lock down and all that.


Apr 3, 2020
I do not know if it is a good idea to lose more time for a simple trip to Morocco, I have been trying everything for two weeks, apart from the VW card that I bought precisely for that, thank goodness it cost me only €40 from Amazon.

thank you very much again for your patience and help.

I will keep looking if there will be any solution.


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I'm exhausted of ideas now. That is the last one I gave to the person with the US Golf import that's based on the post that says that the end of the CID string effects the region's. Clearly for some it doesnt. Whether it does for others you would have to experiment.


Apr 3, 2020
I'm exhausted of ideas now. That is the last one I gave to the person with the US Golf import that's based on the post that says that the end of the CID string effects the region's. Clearly for some it doesnt. Whether it does for others you would have to experiment.


Mihai A.

Active Member
Apr 24, 2020
tested multiple versions of overall.nds
V12, 1430 2020/21 - 6P0919866BK
V11, 1310 2020г. - 6P0919866BK
V10, 1115 2019/20
V9, 1020 2018/19г.
V8, 0915 2018г. - 6P0919866AB
V7, 0820 2017/2018г. - 6P0919866R
V6, 0730 2017г.
V5, 0635 2016/2017г.
V4, 0521 2016г. - 6P0919866BD
V3, 0430 2015/2016г. - 6P0919866

So we already know that V4 already works because I tried yesterday, and because my car was produced in April 2016, the best assumption is that V4 was the original card.
Tried multiple versions above V4 and none worked. tried from V5 tot V9. So most likely my car was purchased without MapCare
Tried V3 and it does work, so it seems that you can go backwards without issues.

Last, I have downloaded the newest map (link bellow), and have put the V4 overall.nds over it.

Works as expected with the latest map.

Hi Godzzi. Can you provide a download link for the overall.nds files?


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In post 2075, key to all mib2 standard map update screw ups.

This link which will start the download which contains V1 of the file that does all for a repair when you loose the all important overall.nds file. It's in there, normal place.


V1 link (Credit Markobc with that one):

or Skoda's download manager version (more resilient to network timing out issues)


Somebody had better luck with the latter. Although the same download but Skoda servers can be ropy so the latter way is better if there are internet issues. Uses Skoda download manager.

Essentially what was established was you didn't actually need the exact copy of the version of the overall.nds file deleted or mislaid, any prior one would do, so the solution to all issues ($) is just to use V1 rather than scrambling around for the exact missing download. Then use that with the latest update which is currently 1430. Best not to loose it in the first place mind you. By deduction that file contains the period ID of the map release and since the unit works with any prior maps which is a design feature of mapcare it works with old maps. The workaround of copying that file into the latest release enables the latest release to work since it still thinks its an old release which is a function of Mapcare - clear as mud.

Obviously you need a VAG card. That's where the missing card bit of the post comes in as it was established that if you loose your original SD card / buy a car with a missing card with the mib2 standard system you can buy any VAG card whether, Seat, Skoda or VW. Then you need the overall.nds file where the V1 trick comes in since you probably don't know which release the unit was paired with so you use a function of the mapcare design, V1 works, then use the workaround methodology for the update. Where a Mac is used pay attention to the Mac notes. 7zip should be used if doing it on a PC.

($) For VW / Skoda older units you would have to go further back, but V1 for Seat mib2 cards is the one above. So this is the catch all for Seat Mib2 standard. See the link text for any non Seat readers who have lost / deleted their navigation card. For other VAG cars you might want to go back to 0235 (2014/15) which is the very first release ahead of it coming to Seat.
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Of interest to those people taking their VAG car's outside Europe or want the latest non European maps (found all of the V12 ones except North America online), been giving advice in a PM to a Seat person and I've posted that up on the T6Forum which have the workaround for these units which already have a European map card registered in the unit, although seems not too always to work on some VW cars (American import to with registered North American map imported to France & a European VW to be taken to Morocco). Nobody as yet says it doesn't work on a Seat - always a first time :). Arona standard head unit doesn't have a problem with loading up Non European maps :).

Referenced this before in the thread but it was Israel this time for the maps to be loaded up.

BTW no sign of the June release yet of the maps.... it's not June. :).


Update from the person I was advising in Israel who wanted a standard map card for the region. They aren't supplied in case you take a wrong turn... the solution was to get a Vag card, I advised on the Skoda 32gb card off eBay for Europe. First insertion it didnt read the maps so the Seat unit was configured not to Europe. The plan was to do the T6forum trick. Not needed, but the link I found to the Seat navigation download site which covered the 1420 Non European maps zone 1 including Israel which wasn't on the VW site did the trick. The image from that download copied to the VAG card worked first time. Thus we have the solution for VAG cars sold in Israel which come without map cards, least Seats :). Just buy a European VAG map card, delete what's on it and copy across your region... then any future releases the workaround I guess, this was a first time installation when the unit pairs with the overall.nds file. The VAG card CID is recognised by the unit as they are common across the brands and zones so it appears.
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Active Member
Feb 23, 2019
Hahaha I’m checking this thread daily for the latest update.
I think last years ‘June’ update landed around end of May.
Hopefully not long now !!!
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3 - 4 weeks looking at last year's dates. 17th June standard, 18th June the high / plus last year.

I check a German Skoda forum site where they are generally on top of it (quite at the minute). More so of recent since Skoda haven't released the 1430 on their website yet, 6 months on, they think they will get this in June, whilst VW will release the latest. Skoda is more of a shambles than Seat on navigation up dates, so the "in" Skoda people get the VW release as we do :). All the same release across VAG but not offered at the same time.

People have their probing programs testing for the releases on the servers ahead of the web pages constructed around them. That's how they pick them up. The standard release is more tricky to do it by hand, the high is easier since its always a few digits up. One person did it with their Linux TV box, I read that last year.
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Jan 17, 2016
New Jersey, USA
3 - 4 weeks looking at last year's dates. 17th June standard, 18th June the high / plus last year.

I check a German Skoda forum site where they are generally on top of it (quite at the minute). More so of recent since Skoda haven't released the 1430 on their website yet, 6 months on, they think they will get this in June, whilst VW will release the latest. Skoda is more of a shambles than Seat on navigation up dates, so the "in" Skoda people get the VW release as we do :). All the same release across VAG but not offered at the same time.

People have their probing programs testing for the releases on the servers ahead of the web pages constructed around them. That's how they pick them up. The standard release is more tricky to do it by hand, the high is easier since its always a few digits up. One person did it with their Linux TV box, I read that last year.

You can use VW data for Skoda or Seat. Does not matter. But if you dont have mapcare or unlocked CID, it will not work. I can unlock nav forever and you can use any SD card any data with it.


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You can use VW data for Skoda or Seat. Does not matter. But if you dont have mapcare or unlocked CID, it will not work. I can unlock nav forever and you can use any SD card any data with it.

That was all mastered over three years ago on the thread. It's a DIY task on the standard navigation Mib2. Covered n'th many times on this thread and across the Net. Just migrate the overall.nds fiĺe. We have Exciter to thank for that. CID cloning on gold cards is also covered but you might just as well buy a VAG card if you want two cards to play with. That's been tested. We know how to deal with lost or stolen mib2 standard cards that's been covered.

Btw you are not suppose to advertise commercial services on the threads.
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Feb 23, 2019
I don’t know if anyone else has this, but I’ve recently noticed since having OBDeleven that I have the error code B126CF2 that keeps popping up from time to time.
I can clear it but it comes back.

Don’t know if this is related to updating the maps via the .nds method or not - but I’ve always followed the recommend procedure (rebooting unit without card in etc etc).

Everything works fine, and has done after the 2 maps updates I’ve done since getting the car last June.

I’ve only just really noticed this error code as not had OBDeleven that long.


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That's an SVM (software version management) error. Means you been a naughty boy and changed the software (maps). You can't clear them normally you go throu the process

Post 35.

Saying that whilst I've had success with the high unit where I've triggered an SVM, it doesn't seem to work with the standard or all of them. I would not worry about it. All people who do the workaround trigger it off, they just don't know since they don't run the check.
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Cheers Tell I’ll have a look into that post !!

Did you manage to clear the error codes out. The high you have to keep doing the process covered in the link until they clear. Sometimes the clear confirmation code changes so you chase down each error code until they stop appearing. It's a bit fraught and doesn't have any real benefits since nobody is really too bothered with those errors when you get the car serviced, so I just leave them now.
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