My Ibiza @ Square 1


Active Member
Mar 19, 2010


This is my wee baby, my first and only car, I have had it for a couple of years, and I have done zero mods.

I had actually planned to save up all summer, sell this and get something more powerful, but since I have joined here and seen so many nice Ibizas with a little work done, it has given me second thoughts about whether I should or not.

I know a little about general car maintenace, changing bushes, oil filters etc..but my knowlege of big mods on body kits, exhausts, tyres and all that stuff is very limited, its something I have never looked into really.

I know what I like, its getting the cash together and calming my partying lifestyle to fund this!!!

I really hope I can sexify up my wee 1.2. Its not fast, its not the prettiest, but its young at @ 50,000 miles it needs to be held onto for a while yet..

Starter tips very welcome. Its standard inside too. I was thinking of a nice head unit from halfords (or wherever is the best value) to start off. I need one with USB input.
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Anjuna Monkey
Mar 15, 2008
Looks pretty tidy, looks similar to mine apart from the colour (same alloys and engine)

I think all the MK4s look nice, even the most standard ones.

Some of the best mods (personally) i've done are the "I B I Z A" facelift badges, facelift FR gear knob and Pioneer dual-din DVD headunit, all of which look the business

If you're looking for a cracking headunit with USB/iPod compatability i'd recommend my Pioneer AVH-P3100DVD, I cant recommend it enough. Check out my readers ride, theres a few pics to show you on page 3


Active Member
Mar 19, 2010
Painted the calipers yesterday. 3 coats of blue, bit different.. First mod really:




Happy enough with how it came out. What now?

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