Dec 17, 2006
Shear bolts are now out. I tried the method of driving them around with a chisel but it wasn't working for me. I ended up using a dremel to cut the heads off. The washers then fall out with a knock and the rest of the bolt is very easy to remove.

Then the steering colum will drop down, but I couldn't remove it completely because of the wires going up into the column.

No pics from today.

Next step: Remove the brake shaft from the pedal. The Haynes manual talks about a special tool fabricated from an exhaust bracket, so this should be interesting!!
Dec 17, 2006

Stuck with getting the pedals off the pedal box itself. It's only a retaining clip that needs to come off but it's got me foxed.


Any ideas on how to remove it?


Clutch Cable


Decided to turn my attention to the clutch cable after getting wound up by the pedal box itself. It's a fairly simple procedure:

1. Release the cable end in the pedal box (mine was already off)

2. Compress the boot at the clutch release arm, secure with the white plastic tie that's already on the cable. Remove the end of the cable from the clutch release arm.

3. Remove the wiper blades and scuttle panels. I also took off the wiper assembly to give better acess to the hole in the bulkhead which the cable goes through.

4. In the cabin, the cable is fixed to the pedal box by a clip with two lugs. I used a screwdriver to push one of the lugs back and release it from the pedal box.

The new cable doesn't have this clip on it. I used a pair of molegrips to hold the cable and pulled the clip off:


Don't damage it, you'll need to put it on the new cable if you've not bought another one.

5. Pull the cable out into the engine bay.


There's no F in Quality..
ah, it's one of those 'special' retaining clips.... ;)

looks like one of the ones where you have to lift one side of it, and then slide it back.....

on the one in the pic, try lifting the left hand side of it (away from the shaft) and then slide the clip towards you away from the pedal box.

Dec 17, 2006
Got that one off, next is the brake pedal. It's another retaining clip:


Not a great photo I know.

I've removed all the bolts securing the pedal box as I can. It's got some movement but it won't come out. The only things I haven't done yet is remove the brake pedal and disconnect the brake pedal from the brake shaft.

Unless there's an obscured nut / bolt somewhere?
Dec 17, 2006
Clutch cable continued:

Refitting is much the same as removal! As the plastic clip was quite well fastened to the old clutch cable, i put a bit of araldite around it to make sure it stays on in use. Feed the cable through from the engine bay into the cabin, putting the rubber seals in place as you go. Easy.

Pedal Box:

That clip did NOT want to come off yesterday afternoon! Just ordered another one from VW (part number 1H0721159) just in case the old one should have an encounter with my new Dremel this morning :D

Edit: Got it out!

After this i pulled out the shaft that the clutch & brake pedals pivot on. This reveals another 13mm nut behind the brake pedal. It's the most obscured one yet, I used a 3/8ths ratchet but maybe a ratchet spanner or a 1/4in ratched would be easier. Now the pedal box is loose, save for a little plastic clip holding some wiring to it. I still haven't done the plastic lug that the brake pedal is attached by; i read elsewhere on here that the pedal box can be removed without taking it off. We shall see!
Last edited:
Dec 17, 2006
The pedal box was also stopped by a little plastic tie that tidies up the wiring - shown below. This can be pushed out with fingers or a screwdriver.


The pedal box can, as written elsewhere, be removed without taking off the brake pedal connector. I carefully pulled the brake pedal through the large hole in the pedal box.

And it's out :D


Side by side with the new pedal box:


Note that the design is the same, except for the tab that holds those wired mentioned earlier in this post. I'll have the new pedal box reinforced before putting the new one in.

Failures on the main body:


The 'bolt hole' is from where i'd previously bolted the two parts together.

And the corresponding bit that broke off!


The current state of play in the car:

Dec 17, 2006
I've now had the new pedal box reinforced:

As supplied by SEAT

From above:

From below:

As modified

From above:

From below:

I'll start re-building the pedal box again tomorrow. Only big problem I can foresee is putting the clutch spring back in.

Also bought myself a 13mm ratchet spanner, should make life a lot easier when it comes to putting it all back together!


nice work Anthony.

I'll be doing the pedal box on mines soon enough, mines has a "temporary fix" its stiff, squeeky and driving me mad, so its time to get it rebuilt properly now.

How much was the pedal box and clutch cable from SEAT?

Regards, David
Dec 17, 2006
Hi David,

S6K2721335H Clutch Cable £27.62
S1H0721169A Bracket £3.33
S411417549 Shear Bolt £1.82 ea, x2 = £3.64
S6K2721115D Bracket £62.38

Net £96.97
VAT £17.97
Total £113.94

The £3.33 bracket is the plastic clip for the brake servo, I haven't used this as I managed to get the pedal box out without removing the brake pedal.


Is that normal price or "trade" ?

My mate will be able to get me it through the trade as he's a mechanic next door to SEAT in Glasgow.

THanks for the part numbers, makes it a hell of a lot easier

Dec 17, 2006
That's retail mate.

Pedal box is now back in, just struggling with the over-centre spring. After that, all that remains (in theory) is putting the steering column etc back in, and we should be away....

I'll be mighty unhappy if I get it going again and there's no petrol at the pumps!!
Dec 17, 2006
I think i've made a mistake when putting the pivot shaft back on.

On the 'inside' part of the pivot shaft, there's the brake pedal and a plastic tube. The plastic shaft is asymmetric, it's got a plain section and a section with two sets of plastic ridges. I think the section with the two sets of ridges is where the support bracket (that comes up from the firewall) should go, and the steering colum should clip onto the plain section. As it stands I can't get the steering column on far enough, it needs to go down about another cm.

Dec 17, 2006
Clutch Over-Centre Spring

1. Position the pedal end of the spring onto the pedal
2. Use an open-ended spanner (I used 12mm) to compress it slightly and push it up the metal wall towards the pedal box. It will get stuck in a gap between the two.
3. Use a screwdriver to lever the spring end onto the pedal box. By positioning the end of the screwdriver on the pedal box, it almost acts as a rail when you pull on the screwdriver.
Dec 17, 2006
The plastic tube was on the wrong way round. The correct orientation is shown below:

New shear bolts in:

And all back together, save for the plastic cowling:

I cleaned the steering wheel too - 8/9 years of sweat and grime was unpleasant! Much better now....


Conclusion: It's a job that can be done if you have the time and patience. None of it is technically difficult, it's just very fiddly.

Also I have to say a big thank-you to Fl@pper - your advice and help has been invaluable!
Dec 17, 2006
Inters Pre Meet

A couple of us (Ollie, Sean and myself) met up the night before inters and took a few snaps. Most of them were slightly out of focus - these are the best of them.

I used Meg's stage 1 paint cleaner, 2x coats of Autoglym SRP, 1x coat of Autoglym EGP and a coat of Poorboy's Nattys Blue paste wax. I'm fairly happy with the result :D




2.0 16v Cupra Sport GTi
Dec 10, 2006
Hey dude pictures look good. Hope you had a good weekend too, was nice to get some pictures.
Sorry about the slow trip home. My fuel light was on :(

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