Mib2 high map update for Novemer 2024 (seriel release 390)


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It's here but you need the life long FeCs

Details of getting life long FeCs / check, see section "Mib2 High / Seat Plus Map Update". Some late models came with lifelong navigation FeCs other need so work on them via a retrofitter or DIY.



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Yes 350 and the associated RoW release covered mib1 and mib2 high. It's how VAG distributed all of the mib high releases. From 370 onwards they stopped support for mib1. Whilst the directories talk about mib1 and mib2 their file naming and storage was rubbish. Basically the mib2 directory contains the additional stuff that was required over and above mib1. Ditching mib1 they have taken out the mib1 only stuff out of the mib1 directory and the mib2 contains the rest. Clear as mud.

Audi users were familiar with these small files for mib2 high behind their paywall, so when these files first appeared it wasn't a surprise to them. They were doing the rounds before VW, Seat and Skoda switched to them. Russians sites were publishing them since Audi released them early. February for the summer release this year. So the production process is faster but held over. No sign of the November release this year not much earlier.

Downside of all of this is mib1 high users have lost their six monthly free updates. Mib2 high continues.
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Nov 20, 2024
Hi, all. Last month i buy Ateca FR 2018. I mannaged to update the software to the latest version MHI2_ER_SEG11_P4709 but ti cannot/dont know how to update maps.I have maps installed on my device, i dont have sd card. I downloaded the latest version of the maps P390_N60S5MIBH3_EU. The sistem says that the update of the maps are found but it dont update the maps. Can somebody please help me how to do it? Maybe my FEC dont allowing me, or am i downloading the wrong version of the maps? Thanks for your help in advance.


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Full Member
Staff member
Hi, all. Last month i buy Ateca FR 2018. I mannaged to update the software to the latest version MHI2_ER_SEG11_P4709 but ti cannot/dont know how to update maps.I have maps installed on my device, i dont have sd card. I downloaded the latest version of the maps P390_N60S5MIBH3_EU. The sistem says that the update of the maps are found but it dont update the maps. Can somebody please help me how to do it? Maybe my FEC dont allowing me, or am i downloading the wrong version of the maps? Thanks for your help in advance.

Yes you have the FeC ending with 1c in the picture which from the table in the resource leaves you short by a number of years. It tallies with the age of the car. I constructed this table when it became apparent that one London based retrofitter was selling firmware updates short of lifelong FeCs. Lifelong they finish with ee.

Code Allowed - Map Update month

112015 June
132015 Nov
152016 June
172016 Nov
192017 June
1b2017 Nov
1d2018 June
1f2018 Nov
212019 June
232019 Nov
252020 June
272020 Nov
292021 June
2b2021 Nov
2d2022 June
2f2022 Nov
312023 June
332023 Nov
352024 June
372024 Nov
392025 June
3b2025 Nov
3d2026 June
3f2026 Nov
412027 June
432027 Nov
452028 June
472028 Nov
492029 June
4B2029 Nov
4D2030 June
4F2030 Nov
512031 June
532031 Nov
552032 June
572032 Nov
592033 June
5B2033 Nov
5D2034 June
5F2034 Nov

This is from the resource:

There are two DIY solutions available

- update your firmware to 1447 AIO - the AIO stands for all in one and gives you the FeC upgrade
- Mib2 high toolkit

The toolkit did only work with specific firmware releases. You'd have to read up. Someone on the board helpfully wrote the module for mine at the time. This may have changed. The toolkit uses the green menu to interface with the unit to write the FeCs. At the time 1447 was being pushed to me as a solution. Now the 1447AIO is more integrated and has been happily used by a number of people. It is forward compatible with old units but yours isn't so old.

The section in the linked resource starting with the text covers this "Mib2 High / Seat Plus Map Update"

My experience with the Mib2 high toolbox is here:

I think now it's just easier to update to 1447AIO but if your firmware is on the tool box list then that's an option

This is the toolbox it's a Github project denoted by Mr MIBonk

So that's option 2.

Option 1 1447 AIO which is the preferred option by many has it's own thread:

Either will work... 1 more than 2 if the module hasn't been written yet. You can cross check or just move onto 1447... on auto pilot at the minute... looking at the code of your firmware you are on 1447 at the minute I reckon so you just need to leap onto 1447AIO unless you fancy the toolkit solution. That's been written. At the time when the experts were badgering me to move to 1447 and then use the Mib2 Toolkit, the AIO had not been written. Either should work for you. In the end a kind soul wrote the missing bit of code for me to stay on the firmware. IFS root patch.

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