It's here but you need the life long FeCs
Details of getting life long FeCs / check, see section "Mib2 High / Seat Plus Map Update". Some late models came with lifelong navigation FeCs other need so work on them via a retrofitter or DIY.
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1
Tried without the text changed in the file also, so at a bit of a loss now. Especially as the firmware update has worked fine. I copied the files inside the main folder, one called 'market' and the text file rather than the full root file, might that be why? The system does say it contains the...

Details of getting life long FeCs / check, see section "Mib2 High / Seat Plus Map Update". Some late models came with lifelong navigation FeCs other need so work on them via a retrofitter or DIY.
GPS and satnav - Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1
This resource is applicable to all Seat navigation systems plus other Vag brands which are MIB2 / 2.5. It is built from the knowledge base on the Leon forum from a long running thread which has the advantage of tracking the twists and turns over...

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