Local Meets - North West - let’s get them arranged :)

Deano j1971

Active Member
Jan 5, 2018
With the distance I have to come, I think mine is going to be dirty when we get there too.... might have to arrive little bit early to give it the quick once over..being white and all that...

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Staff member
Aug 31, 2016
Preston, Lancs
I've just amended the first post in this thread with the meet details - please can you all check that they are ok and correct.

I believe @Syphon is sharing it and advertising it on Facebook to get a bit more interest.

...Watch us all arrive there and the car parks be closed...

Deano j1971

Active Member
Jan 5, 2018
I've just amended the first post in this thread with the meet details - please can you all check that they are ok and correct.

I believe @Syphon is sharing it and advertising it on Facebook to get a bit more interest.

...Watch us all arrive there and the car parks be closed...

I’m all ready to rock and roll,can’t wait to meet everybody and see all the different types of cars turn up for this meet. Looks like there is going to be a fair few. All that’s required is maybe a postcode for the car park and roll on the 13th...

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I only wanted a remap
Staff member
Jul 7, 2015
All that’s required is maybe a postcode for the car park and roll on the 13th..

Yeah, I'm concerned I'm going to be parked up thinking noones turned up and on the next car park down there's a fleet of Seats.

With the distance I have to come, I think mine is going to be dirty when we get there too.... might have to arrive little bit early to give it the quick once over..being white and all that...

If it's any consolation, I did 100 miles of motorway last weekend. And there was just a few splashes of dirt up the passenger side (which I cleaned anyway).

A nod to Megs waterless wash as I just needed a few sprays and a couple of microfibres.
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Staff member
Nov 24, 2012
All that’s required is maybe a postcode for the car park and roll on the 13th...
No postcode you just follow the noise of the loudest exhaust with DSG farts and we will all find each other haha We got 3 car parks to choose should be fine lol
Don't try and jusitfy it. Just don't... :no:
It's fairy soft...
With that in mind we’ll swap cars, perfect....done deal
It's not about speed, it's about enjoying the drive.
A nod to Megs waterless wash as I just needed a few sprays and a couple of microfibres.
It's good stuff I just hope it doesn't cause swirls lol


Staff member
Nov 24, 2012
What if that car hasn’t turned up yet?

I’d say if it was a sunny day look for the shine path from ground to sky off the Speed Blue Cupra R’s
We need a blimp with the SCN logo on lol


I only wanted a remap
Staff member
Jul 7, 2015
I’ve seen Seagulls in West Cumbria that come up to my waist and they are not scared of humans. By the way I’m nearly 6ft.

Do those Kestrel kites actually work? We could fly one off the car aerial!
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