@Nath .... So, the factory tool sells for?? VCDS sells for 1/20th of that price and gives the user the ability to do 90% of what the factory tool does. Shouldn't we sell it for 0.9 of the factory tool price? Why do we sell it for 0.05 of the factory tool?
The VCDS hardware alone cannot be purchased and manufactured with quality components at the price the Chinese sell their illegal copies of our product ....
@Nath what will you do when your illegl cable bricks an ECU and it costs you 3x the VCDS price to get a replacement? (I promise you, it has happened.....) You have had good luck so far and I do hope you continue to have good luck. But how will you respond should that happen? Will you blame the Chinese? They gave you what you wanted: a super low priced tool. But to do so, they provided you with a inferior interface and stolen software. Are they to blame if something goes wrong?
I happen to agree with you: if we could offer the product at 1/4 or less of our present price (and stay in business...) more people would buy it. But, we do have R&D, we do have brick and mortar, we do have salaries and health benefits for which we must pay in order to have top quality people doing the required work, we do have equipment and tools to buy to allow those people to do the work. There does exist a chicken and egg situation. One must find a price at which one can justify the cost of setting up and doing business. Do we make a profit? Yes - or we would not by definition be a business.
Does the US artificially manipulate its currency so that all goods made in the US are cheap? No. The Chinese do. They artificially hold their currency down. Why? So they can offer the world the lowest costs.
Do US companies work to a moral code? Some do. Ross-Tech does. Is the Chinese moral code the same as the West's? No. Their moral code says that they do not have to do any work to make a product - just steal the design from another (including their own Chinese companies) and enable their copy to use the work others create. @Nath, if you produced a product and people stole your work, how would you feel? Would you really think it was ok?
I get the price issue but your perception of price is unfortunately off target and misinformed. You compare VCDS to an Xbox game. What do you think the target market size is for an xBox game? Tens of Millions is probably correct. How many VAG cars are sold worldwide every year? How many of those who purchase a VAG car are interested to buy a
diagnostic tool for their car? (less than 1% of owners..... tested and known) How many of those who would consider buying a
diagnostic tool have a clue
how to use one? My point: if you were in my chair as the idiot Marketing schmuck for Ross-Tech who has no clue
how to market any product let alone this product, you might learn that the grand total of interested users might be 1 million - might - I doubt it is that large. Certainly it is not the tens of millions possible with an xBox game. But then as said, I am clueless and an idiot... I don't spend any time looking at costs, markets, prices and so on. I am just a greedy ******* running to the bank with wheel barrows full of your cash!
Oh, wait, I forgot, you paid the Chinese to use our product....... the people who did little to no work to bring you this product..... they are the ones running wheel barrows full of your cash to their bank since there is very little cost involved in copying other's work.
No harm no foul right? Stealing from one does not harm another - does it? Who is harmed by enabling the Chinese to continue their pilferage of western technology and western innovation?
In the end @Nath, we all are harmed and some day, your work will be effected by it. Some day you will replace something on your car with a counterfeit product and some you love and care about may be harmed by the counterfeit. Oh, it will be cheap - it'll be the price you want to pay - but it will not be of the same quality as the OE part. I just hope we can all live with the flood of illegal copies.
(Have you read the story about the airbag modules that blast metal parts into passengers? You might want to Google that subject... it's real! and it's counterfeit Chinese product.)