
Full Member
Jan 1, 2006
Hi all

Sorry if this has been covered before. I'm new to LCR ownership so you'll have to excuse me.

Book says 225BHP but quite often these numbers are conservative. ANyone know if its likely to be more than this (unmodded).


Active Member
May 3, 2004
no mate - the book says 225BHP for a reason :bleh:

I actually think the newer LCRS (225's) are 222BHP (225PS), the older LCRS are (210BHP)

Think they just round the figures to a decent number.


Pushing on
Aug 15, 2005
Welcome to the site.

Weather and fuel are probably the biggest factors. In 26 degrees in the summer its probably down 10bhp. With frost on the intercooler you could probably expect a bit more than 225.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2004
Didnt Awesome recently do a rolling road session on a stock LCR and it actually proved to be less than the quoted stock figures !!!!


Active Member
May 3, 2004
too many factors to take into consideration, also the "dyno-lottery" comes in to play.
Same car different day could give different results.


Back from the dead
As said, 222bhp seems to be the accepted figure. However depending on the weather conditions and the age of the car this can vary.

VAG engines loosen up quite a bit beyond 40k and you could expect to see upto another 10-15bhp out of them from when they were new (depends on how they are driven - near a good clear out on a fairly frequent basis).

The dyno lottery has thrown an awful lot of scepticism into the equation this year. Figures can vary on a remapped R from as low as 220 (ATW), up to 260+ (depending on tuner / rolling road used). Figures have almost become meaningless and its only on the drag strip with a bit of driving skill that you are going to get a true measure.


Oct 5, 2005
Roughly between 4 - 7k rpm!
I've heard that the S3 (210bhp) produces slightly more power than quoted and the S3 (225bhp) produces slightly less power than quoted. I believe that it would be unusual for the LCR225 model to produce more than the stated power output although as mentioned there certainly are varying factors.

I can understand the question 'Gizmo' is asking however, because it seems alot of VAG engines produce more power than stated on launch.


Everything in Moderation
Jun 23, 2003
transporter said:
Didnt Awesome recently do a rolling road session on a stock LCR and it actually proved to be less than the quoted stock figures !!!!

Yes but this was at the wheels figures, Chewy got 196bhp and Ju got 206bhp

manufacturers claims are at the flywheel, before transmission losses


Just Cruising...
Jul 19, 2003
West Somerset
Visit site
Well... my 210 got consistent 230 - 235bhp flywheel figures at Stealth and Jabba before it was chipped, but then people did always say it felt a strong one!!

There has been a lot written on here about how VAG gain their power figures (high altitude, high load, high ambient temperatures, lowest value of 10 engines in worst running condition scenario or something like that), so it can be expected really for a VAG car to produce more in the UK's climate!

For a well run-in 225 running a clean filter, Optimax, and on a cool damp day, I would expect the rollers at Stealth and Jabba to be indicating around 235 - 240bhp, running in favourable conditions...

Does anyone know if the near- 2-year old results from the Stealth RR day are still available on the site?


comes and goes
Sep 22, 2004
East Midlands Drives: Scirocco GT
Hello and welcome to the site!

Stock LCR 225 managed 212 BHP at the fly on Awesome's RR, but as said so many factors affect a pressure charged engine, and as the fan cannot simulate real world air speeds over the ICs then you probably will find that on the road it is slightly higher than this!


Just Cruising...
Jul 19, 2003
West Somerset
Visit site
I don't think mine had nearly 290bhp when Jabba finished with it either tho, but that really did make good pub talk!!

Thing is tho, ARE Stealth optimistic? I mean, if VAG engines are dyno'd in such harsh conditions, could it be that they produce that much more on the car??

Who knows??

Personally, I think JBS are a tad pessermistic (sp) from the figures I've seen, if a stock car only gets stock... maybe the accurate figure is somewhere inbetween??

What's probably best for a set of rollers is consistency, which most rollers (Stealth, Jabba, JBS, Awesome for instance) attended on this site's RR days gives. Do a mod and go back to the same roller and then you'll see whether it's made any difference ;)

Now then, with all this discussion, have we actually answered Gizmo's question?? ;)


Active Member
Oct 4, 2004
Yeah 206 before remap and 220 after for me at the wheels (although it should be more now after adapting) .
Was told by awesome that 206 was the best figures they had got for a "stock" LCR which equated to 225 at the flywheel according to there calculations ;)

But I wouldn't read too much into peak bhp figures as that is only at one point in the rev range. It's how it feels on the road that matters and after coming from an ATR with 209bhp to the LCR mine felt so much faster in comparison.

Even after the remap the peak bhp hasn't gone up that much, but it is so much stronger in every gear with much more power at lower revs



53 Leon Cupra R
Apr 12, 2004
As a benchmark for before and after mods I put my stock 225 on Awesomes rollers, and talking to Jim just before he did a power run he said most of the stock 225's were producing below the manufacturers figures, around the 217 mark. Mine produced 214, but its only done 5000 miles so it still needs to loosen up a bit!!


Full Member
Jan 1, 2006
Cheers guys for all the answers.

Fully aware of rolling road lottery having had a Scoob for 5 years.

The reason I asked is cause stock Imprezas usually produce more power on the rollers even those rollers which don't produce silly numbers.

Cheers again

Steve Flatley

CupraUK said:
Welcome to the site.

Weather and fuel are probably the biggest factors. In 26 degrees in the summer its probably down 10bhp. With frost on the intercooler you could probably expect a bit more than 225.

Now there's a plan... any hosing the intercoolers before a cold night gen? ;)
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