I got a phone call this afternoon from a guy at the dealership who told me he is replacing the original guy who I dealt with because he had left the company. Anyhoo, he said that mine is currently on the boat somewhere as it left the port about a week ago and that it should be in the country in about a week and i'll get it in about three weeks. Which ties in with what Chris said originally. So we will be getting them at the same time. Ish. At least that's cleared things up a bit and I have more of a definitive date as to when I get mine. And I know it's definitely not mine that Chris has nabbed! Haha.
Nice one mate, glad the balls finally rolling the right way now!
Bet our car's are on the same shipment then, have to find out who gets to be the first to drive it now .....and who gets to the best reg first haha
just deciding how long to leave it til i get an LCR splitter!