*IMPORTANT* A decline in forum conduct that needs addressing!


TDi Ho
Sep 21, 2009
Loud and Clear cap'n.

I'm an active member on quite a few forums covering quite an array of topics, and this is definitely one of the best maintained and with most mature members. Whether or not that can be put down to the fact that most members are drivers and eliminates 13 year old kids or not is irrelevant. Great job folks


Active Member
Sep 28, 2006
any posts using text speak should just be deleted! :ban:
i can appreciate this may be a big ask to police initially, but the offenders would eventually get in the habit of using vowels.....

re the text message comments before, at the moment i edit them, but certainly just deleting them sounds quick and easy to me :)

Just replace them with this :)


That gets my vote. Zero tolerance !!!

Like i said on page 13, they'll get the message eventually! :cartman:


Full Member
Jul 28, 2005
Wiltshire, UK
Originally Posted by air121005
any posts using text speak should just be deleted!
i can appreciate this may be a big ask to police initially, but the offenders would eventually get in the habit of using vowels.....
Yes little fury water creatures, I like that. ...........................................!!@@


Cupra Lova
May 27, 2006
Sevenoaks, Kent
Read and understood, get rid of the idiots that cant even remain civil. They would not do some things in public would they?

Keep up the good work. Not on here as much as I used to be, but if I have a problem I know where to come for assistance and I now feel I am in a good position from my experiences to help others which is the main objective of sites like this one!


All i would like to say is WELL PLAYED BOYS and well said. Keep up the good work!!



There's only one part which I found difficult and that was the implication that no-one was allowed to 'argue' with or challenge the Admin. I can agree if you mean heated arguments which become personal but I think it's far to much like a dictatorship if someone can't have a reasonable discussion or debate if opinions differ.

Have I misunderstood the rule?



Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001

There's only one part which I found difficult and that was the implication that no-one was allowed to 'argue' with or challenge the Admin. I can agree if you mean heated arguments which become personal but I think it's far to much like a dictatorship if someone can't have a reasonable discussion or debate if opinions differ.

Have I misunderstood the rule?


Publicly arguing with admin or moderators, I believe is what we stated. :)

We're not here to have a public slanging match, however were always open to adult conversation via our email addresses so that we can fit our answers in around our real lives. It also saves 30 other people chucking their oar into something that more often than not doesn't concern them.

Unfortunately due to the legal pressures that can be applied to us by outside forces, when someone decides to exercise their freedom of speech, ultimately means we get it in the neck. If that means we have to be a little dictatorial occasionally then that is the price we must pay.

Most people don't cause us a problem and the site runs very smoothly with very little tinkering from us. We let most things be aired if they are constructive and not damaging to the site or others. If you want true freedom of speech then the best way is to set up your own website or forum, and then the people that want to sue you can do and not us. ;)


Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
:no: It's not a democracy. :)

This is true, were not elected nor do we ask individuals to cough up any funds, and on the flip side we never hold a gun to people's head forcing them to stay either. :)

Though I'm always happy to openly discuss anything. I don't expect everyone to agree with my views nor me theirs, but more often than not this forum has always sparked good honest debate, and a great community that help one another keep it a great resource.

I have opinions like everyone else on a wide variety of subjects, and I'm always pleased to hear others opinions. One of the reasons I left this thread open to discussion.


well i dont know wots gone on, but , i would like to say, how helpful the guys were few weeks ago with the problem i had with my seat ibiza not starting. it WAS a fuel problem, and a friend fitted a little black pump thing in the fuel line, non return valve thingy, and now my car starts first time every time, uphill , downhill and on the flat, soo...........whoooopppeeeeeeeee hoorah to the guys in this forum! big thanks, liza 283


its been a while since ive logged on so im unaware of whats gone on. keep things clean and the forum will live on. bye for now


May 12, 2007
total agreement and support from me on this one. No place for trouble makers or 'wasters'.
Oh and thanks to everyone that has tried to help with any questions i have had. Cheers.
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)