My Cordoba 1.6 Signo has suddenly started to have higher idle rev's when cold.
It used to run at aprox 8-900 rpm's idleing when cold, but not it up's to about 1200 for a few minutes. Then it suddenly drops to the usual 8-900.
It takes some three minutes or so. Its almost like i sit and press the accelerator and then let go.
And the wierd part is that its not every day it does so!
Only like 75% of the time...
Anyone have an idea?
It used to run at aprox 8-900 rpm's idleing when cold, but not it up's to about 1200 for a few minutes. Then it suddenly drops to the usual 8-900.
It takes some three minutes or so. Its almost like i sit and press the accelerator and then let go.
And the wierd part is that its not every day it does so!
Only like 75% of the time...
Anyone have an idea?