Rough Idle/Engine Revving by itself

Aug 1, 2024
Hi, my first post on here although I've scrolled through many times before!
I have an issue with my 2007 Seat Leon Cupra which I'm hoping someone will have some ideas. Sorry for the long post but want to include everything.

The problem is to do with the idle. When the car is first started it is generally OK but once warm the engine sounds very rough at idle. The normal idle speed is 750rpm but the needle seems to be a little under this and it is moving around a bit usually around 650-700 and sounds like it could stall although never does. Then it will start revving itself up to 2000rpm every few seconds. You never know which of these things it will do but it always does one of them or a bit of both. You only notice when at lights or when stopped as it drives absolutely great still and has as much power as ever. One thing to note is that if the A/C is switched on, it seems to settle the engine and the idle is much smoother and the revving stops. Is this due to a bit more load on the engine stopping the problem? As soon as it is switched off the problem returns. Although it didn't come on straight away, the engine management light did come on too.

I took it to the garage to see if they could sort it. They scanned the car and it came up with 5 fault codes:

16825/P0441/001089 - EVAP Emission Control Sys: Incorrect Flow
16891/P0507/001287 - Idle Control System RPM: Higher than Expected
17501/P1093/004243 - Bank 1; Fuel Measuring System 2: Malfunction
18619/P2187/008583 - Bank 1; System too Lean at Idle
18711/P2279/008825 - Leak in Air Intake System

They didn't know where to start really but they recommended changing the EVAP valve as this was the easiest and cheapest place to start. They fitted a new one but unfortunately the fault is still there. Although the car hasn't been rescanned I presume fault 16825 is no longer the issue. The engine management light came on again after one day. The garage didn't seem to interested in trying to sort the problem and even asked if it was worth it given the age!

A few other bits of info. The car has done nearly 170000 miles which is pretty high I admit. It is also overdue a service. I would have a service straight away if I knew it was likely to clear the fault but don't want to spend hundreds for the fault to still be there. I have generally been using E10 fuel for the last few years without a problem but whether this has caused an issue over time I don't know. For the last few weeks I have used Shell V Power to see if this changed anything. I've now done 800 miles and still the same. I have also removed the engine cover and checked the air filter but this looked pretty clean.

Has anyone else had a similar problem and if so, have you managed to sort it and how? The car isn't young but I feel it still has a couple of years left and as I said, it still drives really well otherwise and is as fun as ever so I would like to get this sorted. Any help much appreciated!



Active Member
Jun 17, 2011
Hi mate. To me all the symptoms and fault codes point towards an Air leak, it's just a case of finding it. The leak could either be in the EVAP pipes or in the Crankcase ventilation system (PCV). You often find when it's in the PCV system it confuses the ECU into thinking it's an EVAP problem and you get misleading codes.

I would get a flashlight and check every evap and pcv pipe and connection you can find. Get a small inspection mirror from ebay/amazon so help you look at the underneath of all the pipes. Check the pipes leading from the EVAP to the throttle body, and all the PCV pipes around the cylinder head area, giving them a gentle squeeze and checking for any oily/ greasy patches on adjacent pipes which can be a clue as to leaks somewhere near. Not overly familiar with the MK2 but i'd check pipes 4, 5 and item 18 for any cracks and obvious leaks. Maybe consider replacing item 18 with a cheap one from ebay as the valve may have failed internally also.


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Aug 1, 2024
Hi mate. To me all the symptoms and fault codes point towards an Air leak, it's just a case of finding it. The leak could either be in the EVAP pipes or in the Crankcase ventilation system (PCV). You often find when it's in the PCV system it confuses the ECU into thinking it's an EVAP problem and you get misleading codes.

I would get a flashlight and check every evap and pcv pipe and connection you can find. Get a small inspection mirror from ebay/amazon so help you look at the underneath of all the pipes. Check the pipes leading from the EVAP to the throttle body, and all the PCV pipes around the cylinder head area, giving them a gentle squeeze and checking for any oily/ greasy patches on adjacent pipes which can be a clue as to leaks somewhere near. Not overly familiar with the MK2 but i'd check pipes 4, 5 and item 18 for any cracks and obvious leaks. Maybe consider replacing item 18 with a cheap one from ebay as the valve may have failed internally also.

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Thanks very much for the reply. I will do some investigation when I get a chance and will start with the areas you mention. I think an air leak is the most likely problem too so will do my best to find it!
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