Well almost there with this project its been hard to get the hours on it recently due to it raining everyday. Ive decided to just work on it even if it is raining as its took a while and i really want the golf back on the road for the weekend. Its turning over which is a good sign and i have ignition lights etc just waiting on some blue magnecor leads coming from awesome
Anyways heres how the engines sits the now, bit messy but ill get it cleaned up once ive got it up and running
I gave my mate a spare inlet manifold i had to see what he could do with it and he brought it back to me today looking like this.
I was over the moon as this is the first time hes ever tried anything like this and i think hes done a top job so the manifold will be getting swapped over on monday if i can bring myself to work on it
Might get a video of it running with only a downpipe lol should be loud