got pulled over AGAIN! Cornering Foglights!


Active Member
I think the fog lights are great, especially when parking at night.

The police will soon be up to date with the features on new cars. Mercedes have had cornering fog lights for ages now and i'm sure there patrol cars will have them soon.

If i get pulled over i will explain to the police how they work and hope they feel stupid for pulling me over.


Feel the DIFFerence
Sep 22, 2008
A bean bag
I dont like how my xenon beam is blue/white and the fog's are old school yellow. I want to change them then wont feel so bad.


Brrrmmm Tttsssssss
Dec 11, 2009
so you got pulled over for your fog lights being on? :confused:
I dont get that? but police are ridiculous... pulled me over because i pulled out of my work and there has been theft down the area....ok i work night shifts.. so was like 4am but still pointless.


Feel the DIFFerence
Sep 22, 2008
A bean bag
so you got pulled over for your fog lights being on? :confused:
I dont get that? but police are ridiculous... pulled me over because i pulled out of my work and there has been theft down the area....ok i work night shifts.. so was like 4am but still pointless.

the left or right come on depending on which way you are turning. The both come on for reverse.

If you drive with them on and its not foggy you deserve to be pull IMO (not that anyone has said they do in this thread).


Back older greyer and less oilier but always hope
Jun 19, 2001
I dont get that? but police are ridiculous... pulled me over because i pulled out of my work and there has been theft down the area....ok i work night shifts.. so was like 4am but still pointless.

when you get woken up at 4am like i was by 2 copper's explaining they caught 3 scrote's creeping the local trading estate in your car that's missing off the drive you'll be glad they get bored and stopped ya.


Feel the DIFFerence
Sep 22, 2008
A bean bag
when you get woken up at 4am like i was by 2 copper's explaining they caught 3 scrote's creeping the local trading estate in your car that's missing off the drive you'll be glad they get bored and stopped ya.

^THIS^ Dont have a problem with that.

I got stopped once in my GTi and it was a completely random stop on a busy road and I hadn't been driving erratically at all (the police man confirmed this). It was just a random stop and request for docs etc. I told him fair enough but did he have to do it on a busy road as it was embarrassing. Most passers by would be thinking idiot boy racer. He said I see your point noted.. They aren't all bad.


Ibiza Mk 5 owner
Nov 2, 2009
i have been pulled twice for the fog lights 'cornering function' and yeah its a little annoying but doesnt it just make you feel brilliant when your response is

'sorry officer not too sure if your up to date with car technology even though mercedes have had this function for a while now etc etc'

i felt so smug to see the police officers face drop as he put his fine book away and moped back to his car

NOTE: second time i tried to be smart i got put in the back of the car and breathalised 'had nothing to drink so came up 0, while the second officer did checks round my car like tyre tread depth etc wasnt impressed

it was 9.20pm and i was on my way back from work, with my work uniform on so why he thought i was drunk i dont know

back to the fog lights i have found them quite handy when driving round poorly lit housing estates in the dark (i dont do this regularly:lol:)


Active Member
Jan 20, 2010
West midlands
i saw this fog lite turn on thingy for the first time on a new seat ibiza today
i think it is pretty cool and could see the diffrence on the road so i think it should be ok but the police just pull people over for the sake of it so it seems like they are doing there job
i rarly see the chav in the chavmobile get pulled over becuase they will find big faults which means alot of paper work for them
they need 2 start doing there jobs properly


Sep 15, 2008
Have to say guys ive had no issues that way with the police oVer in northern ireland. It could be that they our looking for a fella who drives a seat your colour and since he said leon i suspect its a leon thr police our looking ,but you would have thought they would have read the boot lid which clearly says ibiza m8. [B)]:funk:


PD150 FR+
Feb 8, 2010
East Ayrshire
thought mercedes etc classed these as "driving lamps" :rolleyes: as they are not on together and dazling other drivers, but illuminating where your turning.

My girlfriend has a very similar system in her 207 GT, we though it was the lower fog light, illuminating the way, but its a bulb inside the headlight, pointed out in that direction. Really handy :)
Dec 3, 2009
thought mercedes etc classed these as "driving lamps" :rolleyes: as they are not on together and dazling other drivers, but illuminating where your turning.

My girlfriend has a very similar system in her 207 GT, we though it was the lower fog light, illuminating the way, but its a bulb inside the headlight, pointed out in that direction. Really handy :)

That would be called 'intelligent light system' as they are built into the headlamp when the steering moves right to left... Pretty good and added bonus the full beam comes on automatically and goes off when there is a car coming towards you..

Or for vaxuhall called AFL

or seat AFS

Tbh fogs lamps only go on at low speed not high at speed, I think they are useful for dark areas.


To Switch of the cornering:

Key in ignition in position 0 than turn on the left indicator switch on the full beam, wait 3 seconds, turn the key on and wait few more seconds and should be deactivated!

a) turn on the left indicator:

b) switch on the full beam

Which do you mean?
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