Getting rid


VW Passat B6 2.0 TDi SE
Jun 19, 2007
The Leon's on it's way - I've part-exd it against a Passat 2.0 TDi....

I'll miss it - Well, not really - it's been nothing but trouble and a proper money pit.... The last straw has been the past couple of days with all this rain - it's aquaplaning horribly, tramlining, not gripping and wheel spinning in 1st, 2nd and 3rd. My partner's glad it's going too as she drove it tonight and it nearly spun her in the wet when on the M180 - in a straight line.... (New tyres btw - Eagle F1s)

I've had good times, but now it's time for sensibility....


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
Do you get free slippers and cardigan with it??
Suppose if you haven't managed to drive the car so far then you might as well get rid of it;):)


VW Passat B6 2.0 TDi SE
Jun 19, 2007
Second child on the way is the main reason TBH - I've enjoyed the car at times, but it has been a curse from day 1. The other half telling me that it nearly aquaplaned her into the path of speeding van is something that you don't really want to hear (I had warned her about the lack of grip too)

Driving the car was never the problem - it's lack of grip was....

And I've done my fair share of pipe smoking :p The Passat's already booked in for a remap and I've not even picked it up yet :D


Full Member
Jan 12, 2006
The Leon's on it's way - I've part-exd it against a Passat 2.0 TDi....

I'll miss it - Well, not really - it's been nothing but trouble and a proper money pit.... The last straw has been the past couple of days with all this rain - it's aquaplaning horribly, tramlining, not gripping and wheel spinning in 1st, 2nd and 3rd. My partner's glad it's going too as she drove it tonight and it nearly spun her in the wet when on the M180 - in a straight line.... (New tyres btw - Eagle F1s)

I've had good times, but now it's time for sensibility....

Tamlining, wheel spinning in 1st, 2nd and 3rd?????

Is your FR modified as my 225 LCR doesnt do this. Safe as houses unless you plant your foot on a roundabout!

Are you sure this isnt something that a lighter right foot couldnt sort?


Northern Monkey
Sep 15, 2006
Does the Fr have a TCS system?. I don't get into serious bother with the LCR either. I've had it spin the wheels in the dry once, even with the TCS on. Off is whole different story in this weather but that's when you use your RFC system.

Right Foot Control ;)


VW Passat B6 2.0 TDi SE
Jun 19, 2007
It's not modified (that I'm aware of) - 3rd wheelspinning is a rare occurence (twice last night), but in 1st and 2nd it's pretty common. A very light foot does sort it, but it's not what I would have expected - it's not a problem in the dry TBH - It's been more noticeable since the tyre switch to F1s....

Cornering is a worry as it understeers a bit, especially on wet roundabouts (as I found out this morning) - (I think it's understeer anyway as the car didn't want to follow the roundabout and just wanted to push me over to that soft Armco - Car + Armco = Bad - been there, done that....)

And yes, it's got traction control - the flashing light is my friend....


Texas Cowboy
Oct 17, 2005
if i remember right you were the fella that had no service history or log book or anything like that and the car had hidden problems when you bought it?
i dont blame you, that would put a nasty taste in my mouth as well


VW Passat B6 2.0 TDi SE
Jun 19, 2007
You are indeed right - although I do now have the service history, which I'm still not convinced about apart from the Seat service that I gave it. The "Trading Standards" threat worked a treat.

I suspect that the car has always not been right especially as the last registered keeper was an Insurance Company....

If you want to know it's registration number so you can avoid this particular car, PM me :D

My confidence in this particular car has gone - that's not to say I wouldn't have another one, just not this one...


VW Passat B6 2.0 TDi SE
Jun 19, 2007
Forget to add - there's a creaking around the front dash that comes and goes... The loud stereo can drown it out, but when there's company in the car, you can't really have the volume up....


VW Passat B6 2.0 TDi SE
Jun 19, 2007
I've been passively monitoring the economy of this Leon and the results are pretty startling. I by no means thrash the car - I don't tend to bother doing more than 80 on the motorway (allegedly of course) but I do occasionally do 90(again, this is an alleged speed y'honour).

My route to/from work is 42 miles each way and it 35 miles of Motorway (M180/M18). I live in a village so the route to/from the motorway is pretty uneconomical.

I do, of course, give it a bit of a blast, but this is generally limited to about 15% of my driving.

The details over the past month or so are:

Date Gallons Miles MPG
11/10/2007 10.2476 438 42.74
18/10/2007 10.1354 432 42.62
26/10/2007 10.736 434 40.42
02/11/2007 11.0088 469 42.60
04/11/2007 5.0006 212 42.39
08/11/2007 9.4204 409 43.42
13/11/2007 10.0298 427 42.57
18/11/2007 9.1168 391 42.89

I would have been better off buying a Cupra Petrol !

Mar 5, 2007
Remap perhaps.

I feel your traction. Admittedly mine's remapped. But trying to make pace in this rainy crud weather is almost futile.


VW Passat B6 2.0 TDi SE
Jun 19, 2007
If I was going to keep the car, then I might, but it's been a millstone round my neck and my confidence in this car has all but evaporated. Saying that, it was a pleasant enough drive in this morning - apart from on the M18 where it felt like I was driving over thousands of little ruts when in the middle lane (Inside lane is much smoother....)

**shakes head**

On the plus side I got £10500 in PX for my Leon - If you see it on a forecourt, that'll be your starting bartering point!

(I also saw a TDI FR on a 55 plate at the stealer for £13500 on Monday !!) How Much! :-o


It is mine, all mine.....
Mar 28, 2005
I had mine for just over 2 years and it never spun or aquaplaned and I used to throw it round in the wet all the time..... Did you ever see the traction control light flash when the wheels spun etc?

Good price for the part exchange, I saw a 55 plate FR TDI (red) with 29K on for £9999 at a stealers the other day!


VW Passat B6 2.0 TDi SE
Jun 19, 2007
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VW Passat B6 2.0 TDi SE
Jun 19, 2007
It's off - The Leon's going today now...

I had a good drive in it yesterday in the dry and it's a lovely car, but even my 2 year old's gone off it "When Daddy getting new car?" was what he asked me yesterday :)

If there's any interest, I'll post up it's registration later as one to avoid like the lergy.....