Black and red looks sweet, was going to do mine with red hosing but once i bought a couple of secondhand blue bits i decided best to stick with that colour!
Their just the ones i used to do mine a while ago, (their off craig)
This way is leaving everything electronically connected (no soldering) but mechanically unplugged (you need a Y piece)
(not my engine)
Their just the ones i used to do mine a while ago, (their off craig)
This way is leaving everything electronically connected (no soldering) but mechanically unplugged (you need a Y piece)
(not my engine)
bought it brand new from aswosome only like 5 months go to.
def not a vac hose change all of them to silicone and checked them all there okay.
just had a look on the forge section could it be i have teh wrong colour spring in my dump valave as i have revo boosts to about 21 psi? so could by why i am getting the chatter