eTSI space saver spare wheel difference?


Active Member
Jan 10, 2023
United Kingdom
I'm looking at picking up spare wheel to throw in my 2021 eTSI from The Wheel Shop. Looking on Seat Direct Parts though, it states there's a separate product for the eTSI models?

Only suitable for vehicles with the mild hybrid (eTSi) system. For the traditional engine Leon spare wheel kit, please see here.

Anyone know if there's an actual difference or the one that's half the price from the Wheel Shop will be ok? I'm assuming it'll only be a difference in the foam pieces between the eTSI/non-eTSI models which won't be an issue from the first site as they don't supply them..


Active Member
Jan 10, 2023
United Kingdom
Ordered the spare wheel and it’s in my boot. Didn’t bother with the foam kit as I’ve got the wheel “cavity side up” for storage space. The plastic “bolt” that was holding the original foam kit in place is fine holding the spare in.
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