Engine Manufacture Problems

Hi All - it's been a while since my last posting as I've been busy with work and such and not really had much time to post. So - I thought I'd better let you know about a few problems I've been experiencing since 2008/9 New Year.

I guess it all started from new really... I experienced a dashboard Coolant Level warning light illumination. When I took it to my (not so) local SEAT Dealer - Ted Johnson in Barnsley. They replaced the Coolant Tank explaining that the Level Sensor had a known problem and replacing the Tank cured the problem. Upon replacement they asked whether I had need to refill/top-up the Tank - I had and used the appropriate fluid (G12?) one thing I noticed when refilling was the Coolant was very dark, as if dirty! Ted Johnson also commented upon the state of the Coolant. The problem of the Warning Light was cured temporarily...

I had a problem which was posted just after New Year 2008/9 with the Car not reaching anything like temperature - I suspected a thermostat problem, I was experiencing problems with the DPF also as the Car wasn't getting warm enough to turn the burn off cycle. The Coolant Level Warning Light re-lit. I returned the Car to Ted Johnson - they seemed to point the problems at the dirty coolant.

They identified a problem in manufacture (info from SEAT) that on this batch of engines they had a manufacturing problem - an engine block Oilway hole had been drilled too large thereby allowing Oil to seep through into the Waterway contaminating the Coolant. They had the car for almost 2 weeks - stripping down the engine to rectify the problem. Upon collection I was told the car had been on a road test and everything was operating normally. Upon my drive home I thought the temperature was taking a while to get to the nominal 90 degrees and the engine note was notably louder. The following day I popped the bonnet to discover all the engine cover trim was loose and falling about - the grille/air intake trim was broken and the top half was actually missing. I then investigated further - the tops of the wings were scratched (personel leaning over) two decent size scratches on the OSR door. A an large dent NSF Sill as if the car had been dropped off a jack or suchlike. I was a bit mad... :censored:

Ted Johnson was the first place I visited that morning to tell my tale of woes... another three days and the car was returned to me - all the wing scratches polished out (just!) and explanations of previous damage being done. All of which (in my opinion) was rubbish - I clean the car everyweek by hand and I know every chip and stone fleck on the car! No-way was it me!!

As I drove home the car was again not reaching temperature - I returned the car to Tod Johnson again - they eventually tracked the problem down to a sticking thermostat - my original diagnosis!!!:whistle:

OK - I notice the car has begun to have an intermitent hesitation in acceleration power between 3000-3500 rpm. Possibly happens 12 times a week (I drive about 800 miles/week) I am beginning to loose patince with Ted Johnsons apparent lack of Customer Service by lack of proper refitting trim etc.

Since February the problem is beginning to get progressively worse - the hesitation has now resulted in the car illuminating the Glow Plug/ECU light and going to Limp Home mode 3 times! The AA (SEAT Recovery) have not been able to identify a problem (apart from a non-connection of Rocker Breather to Crankcase catch causing lots of engine bay smoke - and a loose Vaccum Pipe apparently linked to Turbo Solenoid. This has happened 2 more times - both rendering the car into Limp Mode - both times SEAT have been unable to detect a problem despite being towed by the AA back to Ted Johson with the engine running to be able to identify a fault with the Glow Plug / ECO Warning Light lit!!!

The last time it did this they downloaded new software (they say) and reset parameters but could not replicate the problem under normal driving (my a**e!).

I curious as to why and if anyone else is experiencing this problem? I becoming quickly fed-up of my LEON and longing for the reliability of my Skoda's (both VRS's) as company cars. Despite one having the same engine - the LEON seems to lack the consistant reliability of the Skoda unit.

Your thoughts / opinions appreciated!!!




Hi All - it's been a while since my last posting as I've been busy with work and such and not really had much time to post. So - I thought I'd better let you know about a few problems I've been experiencing since 2008/9 New Year.

I guess it all started from new really... I experienced a dashboard Coolant Level warning light illumination. When I took it to my (not so) local SEAT Dealer - Ted Johnson in Barnsley. They replaced the Coolant Tank explaining that the Level Sensor had a known problem and replacing the Tank cured the problem. Upon replacement they asked whether I had need to refill/top-up the Tank - I had and used the appropriate fluid (G12?) one thing I noticed when refilling was the Coolant was very dark, as if dirty! Ted Johnson also commented upon the state of the Coolant. The problem of the Warning Light was cured temporarily...

I had a problem which was posted just after New Year 2008/9 with the Car not reaching anything like temperature - I suspected a thermostat problem, I was experiencing problems with the DPF also as the Car wasn't getting warm enough to turn the burn off cycle. The Coolant Level Warning Light re-lit. I returned the Car to Ted Johnson - they seemed to point the problems at the dirty coolant.

They identified a problem in manufacture (info from SEAT) that on this batch of engines they had a manufacturing problem - an engine block Oilway hole had been drilled too large thereby allowing Oil to seep through into the Waterway contaminating the Coolant. They had the car for almost 2 weeks - stripping down the engine to rectify the problem. Upon collection I was told the car had been on a road test and everything was operating normally. Upon my drive home I thought the temperature was taking a while to get to the nominal 90 degrees and the engine note was notably louder. The following day I popped the bonnet to discover all the engine cover trim was loose and falling about - the grille/air intake trim was broken and the top half was actually missing. I then investigated further - the tops of the wings were scratched (personel leaning over) two decent size scratches on the OSR door. A an large dent NSF Sill as if the car had been dropped off a jack or suchlike. I was a bit mad... :censored:

Ted Johnson was the first place I visited that morning to tell my tale of woes... another three days and the car was returned to me - all the wing scratches polished out (just!) and explanations of previous damage being done. All of which (in my opinion) was rubbish - I clean the car everyweek by hand and I know every chip and stone fleck on the car! No-way was it me!!

As I drove home the car was again not reaching temperature - I returned the car to Tod Johnson again - they eventually tracked the problem down to a sticking thermostat - my original diagnosis!!!:whistle:

OK - I notice the car has begun to have an intermitent hesitation in acceleration power between 3000-3500 rpm. Possibly happens 12 times a week (I drive about 800 miles/week) I am beginning to loose patince with Ted Johnsons apparent lack of Customer Service by lack of proper refitting trim etc.

Since February the problem is beginning to get progressively worse - the hesitation has now resulted in the car illuminating the Glow Plug/ECU light and going to Limp Home mode 3 times! The AA (SEAT Recovery) have not been able to identify a problem (apart from a non-connection of Rocker Breather to Crankcase catch causing lots of engine bay smoke - and a loose Vaccum Pipe apparently linked to Turbo Solenoid. This has happened 2 more times - both rendering the car into Limp Mode - both times SEAT have been unable to detect a problem despite being towed by the AA back to Ted Johson with the engine running to be able to identify a fault with the Glow Plug / ECO Warning Light lit!!!

The last time it did this they downloaded new software (they say) and reset parameters but could not replicate the problem under normal driving (my a**e!).

I curious as to why and if anyone else is experiencing this problem? I becoming quickly fed-up of my LEON and longing for the reliability of my Skoda's (both VRS's) as company cars. Despite one having the same engine - the LEON seems to lack the consistant reliability of the Skoda unit.

Your thoughts / opinions appreciated!!!


The sad truth is that the VAG TDI 170 is a flawed engine. Regardless of it being in a SEAT or audi there are numerous issues with this engine and dpf.

Get rid and get a 2.0 TSI if you can.
Problem is - it's a company car (hence the high miles) and the petrol option does not bare thinking about in TAX I would pay!!! To be honest I am not impressed with the interior trim finish and fitting - it lacks the design and fitting of my old Skoda's!
The standard music system is CACK in comparison...
I honestly think I will be returning to a Skoda - sure the design isn't as good but as a business tool it's awesome.
I wish I could have a CUPRA just for the engine but Mr Brown wants my arse bared for the priveledge!

Problem is - it's a company car (hence the high miles) and the petrol option does not bare thinking about in TAX I would pay!!! To be honest I am not impressed with the interior trim finish and fitting - it lacks the design and fitting of my old Skoda's!
The standard music system is CACK in comparison...
I honestly think I will be returning to a Skoda - sure the design isn't as good but as a business tool it's awesome.
I wish I could have a CUPRA just for the engine but Mr Brown wants my arse bared for the priveledge!



Problem is - it's a company car (hence the high miles) and the petrol option does not bare thinking about in TAX I would pay!!! To be honest I am not impressed with the interior trim finish and fitting - it lacks the design and fitting of my old Skoda's!
The standard music system is CACK in comparison...
I honestly think I will be returning to a Skoda - sure the design isn't as good but as a business tool it's awesome.
I wish I could have a CUPRA just for the engine but Mr Brown wants my arse bared for the priveledge!


how much extra would it cost to run the cupra?


Active Member
May 28, 2008
Northern Ireland: Limavady
The 170 PD engines are not that good a design, if I knew of all the issues that they have before I bought my FR I would have went for a petrol one or a CUPRA.

My car is using a bit of coolant every so often. Took it to the dealers in March and they checked the system for leaks. Found no leaks and said that the car would probably need a new head :help:

They asked me if it has any white smoke from the exhaust when warm or if it is hard to start when warm. But I replied no, to both these questions. I've been advised to keep an eye on it and if any of these symptoms occur bring the car back and they would change the head under warranty.
OK - another few weeks and yet again my car has dropped into L.M. (Limp Mode) and I faced a 50 mile journey with little to no power!!! [:@]:censored:[:@]

To say I'm angry is an understatement.... :censored:

Every time it's returned to SEAT (Ted Johnson - Barnsley) - they cant find a problem :whistle: even though I leave the car running to show there is definitely a problem!!! Can anyone advise my next course of action as this is infuriating me - and my company (NGK Spark Plugs UK). It is a lease car BTW...

I grabbed a snap of the warning light taken on 15 April 2009 on my home journey! My car has been in the garage for most likely 2 weeks from the last 6!!! I TBH I'm getting to the point where it's affecting my job - I'm beginning to wish I'd never seen the damned car!!! :help:


Just been out in the car - no warning light!

It appears that since they rebuilt the engine - there has been one problem after another but all related to the refitting of the parts.

I feels like the Turbo is packing in - the problem is now a frequent (rather than occasional) loss of power...

I'm going to book it in soon and demand it rectifying before I accept it back, with a courtesy car at their cost (rather than mine - well the companies!)


Cupra R

Active Member
Dec 5, 2001
Visit site
Steve, have you never tried a different Seat Dealership to see how they may fare? I notice your in Sth Yorkskire. My mate swerars by Richard Alexandra in Huddersfield, although I've never been there. Might just be worth considering.

I was always led to beleive that Ted Johnson's service was quite good. Obviously in your case, this unfortunately hasn't been the case.

Hope to get it sorted to your satisfaction soon bud. I know what it can be like when crap like this happens. IMO I wouldn't go to Seat in Donny. I have had V.Bad dealings there in there after sales service.


Back from the dead
Recent VAG engines seem to have their fair share of faults, particularly those hitting the limits of performance (TDi 170, TFSi 200+). Makes you wonder whether it is cost cutting or bad design.

Really sorry to hear of you issues, there is nothing worse than prolonged issues and getting fobbed off by stealers who try and patch the issues rather than dealing with it head on. When you think what a car costs, they should accept greater responsibility to fix or replace within a time frame as cars cost serious amounts of money these days.
Steve, have you never tried a different Seat Dealership to see how they may fare? I notice your in Sth Yorkskire. My mate swerars by Richard Alexandra in Huddersfield, although I've never been there. Might just be worth considering.

I was always led to beleive that Ted Johnson's service was quite good. Obviously in your case, this unfortunately hasn't been the case.

Hope to get it sorted to your satisfaction soon bud. I know what it can be like when crap like this happens. IMO I wouldn't go to Seat in Donny. I have had V.Bad dealings there in there after sales service.

I also heard that Ted Johnson - Barnsley was good. To be honest there Service is good, I just resent giving them my business when I take the Car in with one problem, come out with the same problem plus another 3-4 linked to trim missing and not refitted correctly! [:@]

The Donny SEAT Dealer - I had warnings about taking my Car there, so I avoided it first hand.

On my travels around the country I pass a SEAT Dealer in Scunthorpe (outside CORUS, my customer) anyone have any news about that one?

Thanks for the information so far - it's well received!

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