DV versus RV


What are your opinions on Dump Valves(to atmosphere) compared to Recirculating Valves. I've heard that DV's cause all sorts of trouble on the 1.8 20VT, and it is better to put an uprated RV on instead. What do you guys think?


Aug 24, 2001
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Please search, this one has been done to the death.


Mar 10, 2006

a bit harsh maybe? you'll find on here that the search facility will become a good friend to you, the whooshy dump valve thing has been done to death on this forum so before asking any questions its always best to do a search to see if your question has been asked before. plus, it stops people insulting you and making snide comments.................... sometimes best not to say anything if you've got nothing constructive to say maybe? :bleh:


Mar 10, 2006
fair enough mate but i had the same thing happen to me when i first signed up so i stopped posting and went elsewhere ( a mistake in hindsight ) i just find the "do a search" type reply to a question annoying. if i haven't got an answer to a question i don't post a reply............. thats maybe why my post count isn't very high? :whistle: :bleh:

to answer webbywagon's question, no atmospheric dump valves don't work on the 1.8T engine so most people go for an uprated valve from either forge or bailey. forge do make a dump valve that is part atmospheric/recirculating called the split-R or something similar. if thats what floats your boat then take a look in the forge section or on their website, you also get a 10% discount if you tell them you're a member on here. :)
Last edited:


Aug 24, 2001
When you sign up to become a member there is a lengthy text telling you all this karlos, if you just click agree and head on you deserve a bit of a baptism of fire. Nowt personal and I did give a hint at the bottom!


Mar 10, 2006
this wasn't a personal dig at anybody in particular just something i've noticed and not really a fan of. to me it just seems like posting for postings sake. i'll stop hijacking the thread now, but like i said its just my two pence worth and nothing personal.


No offence taken, same thing happens on the SCNET, you get the usual vultures waiting in the wings for a newbie on there too. No probs though, will do a search from now on and only post if i dare not to find the answer i need ( sorry pathetic sarcasim there)


Back older greyer and less oilier but always hope
Jun 19, 2001
just look up a few wooshy dump valves on search and you'll see a few sarcasms lying about webby ;)

just think kids on a long journey asking are we nearly there yet :) and ya not far off

the forge recirc valve is the usual and probably the best - no psssst but smoother boost and rebuildable/modifiable too

ref: the n75 thread i've left you a few pointers that may help


fair enough mate but i had the same thing happen to me when i first signed up so i stopped posting and went elsewhere ( a mistake in hindsight ) i just find the "do a search" type reply to a question annoying. if i haven't got an answer to a question i don't post a reply............. thats maybe why my post count isn't very high? :whistle: :bleh:

to answer webbywagon's question, no atmospheric dump valves don't work on the 1.8T engine so most people go for an uprated valve from either forge or bailey. forge do make a dump valve that is part atmospheric/recirculating called the split-R or something similar. if thats what floats your boat then take a look in the forge section or on their website, you also get a 10% discount if you tell them you're a member on here. :)
Cheers mate, i'll stick with the forge RV then. Hope this site does'nt turn out to be like SCNET, with a few usual people jumping all over newbies for the sake of upping there post count.Or thinking that a high post count somehow makes you superior to others. It's my first ever seat and the two gents replys can be off putting for a newbie, especially personnel ones.:)


just look up a few wooshy dump valves on search and you'll see a few sarcasms lying about webby ;)

just think kids on a long journey asking are we nearly there yet :) and ya not far off

the forge recirc valve is the usual and probably the best - no psssst but smoother boost and rebuildable/modifiable too

ref: the n75 thread i've left you a few pointers that may help
thanks mate


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
Look at it from another point of view, Webbywagon, when you've seen the same question being asked hundreds of times over, you'll get a little fed up with it. We like people who take the time to read what's been said previously. Those who ignore the vast wealth of knowledge here by not using the search first do so at their peril! We're easy going and give people the benefit of the doubt, but there are a few simple questions that it's best not to ask. ;)


No worries, glad to be on board already. Love the site already. You lot have been really helpfull and it's much appreciated, i was beggining to feel like the new ginger haired bucked teeth lad at school, lol.


My Fast says shut up!
Dec 9, 2004
Newport, South Wales
SCN certainly aint like SF/SCC

its practically a tradition to jump on n00bs when they ask the most commonly asked question. every forum does it! the wealth of knowledge stored on these boards is a privilege, not a right hence its polite to search...after all read what it says when you put your cursor over the internal link


Back from the dead...
Sep 27, 2006
Telling newbies to search isn't unique to this forum by any means! Any other popular forum will have the same. It's simply because the amount of info out there already usually covers most of the typical questions new members come out with. And it's just common sense to do a search for info first :)
Mar 5, 2007
Maybe. We should also tell newbies to search for search.

So they can read about all the previous roastings others have received.

I'm certainly glad I browsed this board first. Didn't stop me posting shite afterwards though! :)
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