Cupra K1 Official Build List

Aug 24, 2023
Hello Everyone

Seat UK have released an official K1 build number list.
450 Cupra K1's
Ash (@thatslowk1) has designed a K1 build number vin checker
(This also checks if they are genuine)Once checking your K1 is genuine, owners can contact Cupra's customer service centre on 0800 049 7106 or by emailing [email protected].

Any questions regarding the checker/build number pack, contact me direct.
Seat's authenticity pack containing a numbered badge bespoke to the owners vehicle, also an official certificate stating the build number has been released.

#001 Faisal A / Candy White
#002 Fariz A/ Luna Grey
#004 Harrison C / Candy White
#005 Brad W / Candy White
#006 Matt B / Candy White
#007 ****** / Candy White
#008 Joshua B / Candy White
#012 Mo A / Emocion Red
#013 Akky H / Luna Grey
#017 Gary H/ Candy White
#021 Sean W / Luna Grey
#023 Jessica M / Candy White
#028 Glenn T / Inferi Black
#030 ****** / Candy White
#031 Nathan C
#032 Chris G / Candy White
#035 Jago-A / Candy White
#038 Robert M
#039 Perry L / Luna Grey
#040 Sam T / luna Grey
#042 ******/ Luna Grey
#043 Foster L / Inferi Black
#045 Wayne C / Emocion Red
#049 Quinton R / Candy White
#050 ****** / Emocion Red
#053 Lewys W / Candy White
#054 Rhys A / Candy White
#055 Charlie H / Candy White
#058 ****** / Luna Grey
#059 Mark A / Inferi Black
#060 Craig C / Candy White
#061 Shaun B / Candy White
#062 Hassan IHA / Luna Grey
#065 Phil G / Emocion Red
#067 Adam R / Candy White
#074 Luke R / Candy White
#076 Faizan M / Candy White
#077 Darren J / Candy White
#080 ****** / Candy White
#082 Altaf R / Candy White
#083 Nick B / Inferi Black
#086 John G / Candy White
#088 Daniel B / Inferi Black
#091 Jordan M / Candy White
#093 Faiz H
#096 ****** / Emocion Red
#099 Luke H
#101 Hannah L / Candy White
#102 Adam / Candy White
#106 Raymond B / Emocion Red
#110 Andrew K / Candy White
#111 Cameron R / Candy White
#112 Tim M / Candy White
#113 Ben T / Inferi Black
#120 Nathan A / Candy White
#123 /Inferi black
#124 Claire L
#129 Oags88 / Candy White
#130 Jim / Luna Grey
#136 ****** / Inferi Black
#137 Ryan G / Candy White
#138 Marc C / Inferi Black
#140 Izze T / Inferi Black
#145 Ethan K / Inferi Black
#148 Ollie S / Inferi Black
#150 Adam D / Candy White
#154 ****** / Candy White
#160 Luke A / Emocion Red
#161 Wayne D / Inferi Black
#165 Max B
#167 David M / Candy White
#169 Liam G / Candy White
#171 Lau / Candy White
#175 Mouzam K / Candy white
#176 Tyler B / Candy White
#182 Kef J / Candy White
#186 Alan A / Candy White
#190 Nathan C / Candy White
#197 Lee H / Candy White
#198 Sam W / Emocion Red
#201 Jordan / Candy White
#204 Jimmy B
#205 Josh M / Luna Grey
#206 Jay D / Candy White
#207 ****** / Candy White
#208 Charlie R / Candy White
#210 Joe P / Candy White
#211 Tommy K / Candy White
#212 Rich D / Candy White
#213 Reece T / Emocion Red

#216 Darren S / Candy White
#218 Gavin R / Candy White
#224 Roy /Candy White
#231 Sean A / Emocion Red
#232 Jason K / Emocion Red
#242 / Emocion Red
#247 Ben J / Inferi Black
#248 Mab I / Candy White
#249 Benjamin W / Candy White
#250 Josh H / Candy White
#251 Korbyn M / Candy White
#252 Wayne F / Candy White
#253 / Candy White
#258 Paul L / Candy White
#259 Jamie T / Candy White
#263 Sam B / Candy White
#266 Tom B / Candy White
#267 Shane B / Candy White
#268 / Inferi Black
#271 David W / Emocion Red
#274 Usman / Candy white
#276 Joe W / Emocion Red
#278 Rob M / Candy White
#282 Stuart S / Inferi Black
#288 Jack R / Inferni Black
#289 Daven K / Candy White
#292 ****** / Candy White
#295 Daniel P / Emocion Red
#298 ****** / Luna Grey
#302 Jodi / Luna Grey
#304 Charlie F / Luna Grey
#306 Reece H / Candy White
#308 Aidan M / Emocion Red
#312 Nathan E / Inferi Black
#313 Evan T / Candy White
#314 Adam M / Inferi Black
#315 Jordan H / Candy White
#323 ****** / Candy White
#324 Joel A / Candy White
#326 Grant R
#327 Cj C / Candy White
#328 ****** / Candy White
#329 Tee12 / Candy White
#332 Aidan W / Candy White
#333 Wayne C / Inferi Black
#334 Can C / Inferi Black
#339 Nathan N /Inferi Black
#340 Tommy G / Inferi Black
#341 Matthew H / Candy White
#344 ****** / Candy White
#345 Callum M / Candy White
#354 ****** / Inferi Black
#357 Gurdeep V / Candy White (CC)
#359 Ak T / Candy White
#361 Phil W / Lunar Grey
#362 Thomas H / Inferi Black
#367 Tom B / Candy White
#371 Gaz l / Candy White
#372 Jake F
#374 ****** / Candy White
#377 Nathan C / Inferi Black
#379 Ally D / Candy White
#380 Joe H / Lunar Grey
#381 Han S / Inferi Black
#382 David L / Candy White
#383 Pav S / Inferi Black
#389 Dan T / Inferi Black
#390 Alex G / Inferi Black
#391 / Candy White
#392 David E / Candy White
#393 Angela D / Candy White
#394 Colin M / Luna Grey
#396 Tom H
#399 ****** / Candy White
#400 Ryan C / Candy White
#402 Nico G / Inferi Black
#406 Lee D
#407 Michael D / Lumina Orange
#408 Louis C / Emocion Red
#410 Mark J / Candy White
#411 Shadow / Candy White
#412 George C / Inferi Black
#415 John W / Lumina Orange
#416 Garry S / Inferi Black
#419 Hasan K / Speed Blue
#423 Azzak1 / Candy White
#424 Dan P
#426 Adam P / Luna Grey
#427 Steve W / Inferi Black
#429 Ritchie H / Lumina Orange
#430 ***R/S*** / Speed Blue
#431 Connor / Candy White
#433 Lewis B / Lumina Orange
#434 Harry M / Speed Blue
#438 Sam T / kiwi Green
#439 Rob W / Kiwi Green
#441 Missy Jo / Candy white
#443 Nigellus / Inferi Black
#445 Waqar H
#447 ***** / Kiwi Green
#448 Jack C / Lumina Orange
#449 Owen L / Speed Blue

Current Stats
Candy White
34 Inferi Black
17 Emocion Red
4 Speed Blue
3 Kiwi Green
5 Lumina Orange

17 Luna Grey

Hi Guys​

I am now proud owner of #373 Amar Singh / Inferi Black

Please add me to the list

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Sep 2, 2023
Hey guys, just bought a k1, it's build 113, how do you go about getting the authenticity pack for this?
Aug 24, 2023
Hey guys, just bought a k1, it's build 113, how do you go about getting the authenticity pack for this?
Welcome to the K1 club!

Please see below instructions sent to me by Cupra;

To ensure CUPRA UK issue the authenticity pack to the rightful owner of the vehicle, I would be grateful if you could please provide a copy of your V5 documentation. Please send a copy displaying the VIN/Chassis number along with your full name and address to [email protected] with your case identification number included in the title of the email.

Also, if you contact your nearest CUPRA retailers and provide your V5 and two forms of ID they will update to reflect you as the vehicle owner on the CUPRA system. You can locate your nearest one using the link at the bottom.
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Dec 9, 2023
Hi. Thanks, been looking for 5 years to find z as good k1 .
Had wrong authenticity pack sent to me. It was build no 10.
My car was new on 22/01/2009. Vin is different too.
they are investigating it but I’m dying to find out the build number. Can you help.
Kind regards
Dec 30, 2023
Hi could you please add my car to this list i am gutted i missed the pistonheads Sunday event but will be claiming my pack, we love rare cars in my family.

Your Leon Cupra is a genuine SEAT confirmed K1

Build no: #256

Colour K4K4 Luna Grey



Active Member
Feb 19, 2024

Welcome to the new Leon Cupra K1 Build List

Seat UK have released an official K1 build number list.
450 Cupra K1's
Ash (@thatslowk1) has designed a K1 build number vin checker
(This also checks if they are genuine)Once checking your K1 is genuine, owners can contact Cupra's customer service center on 0800 049 7106 or by emailing [email protected].

Any questions regarding the checker/build number pack, contact me direct.
Seat's authenticity pack containing a numbered badge bespoke to the owners vehicle, also an official certificate stating the build number has been released.

#001 Faisal A / Candy White
#002 Fariz A / Luna Grey
#004 Harrison C / Candy White
#005 Brad W / Candy White
#006 Matt B / Candy White
#007 ****** / Candy White
#008 Joshua B / Candy White
#012 Mo A / Emocion Red
#013 Akky H / Luna Grey
#017 Gary H/ Candy White
#021 Sean W / Luna Grey
#023 Jessica M / Candy White
#025 ****** / Candy White
#028 Glenn T / Inferi Black
#030 ****** / Candy White
#031 Nathan C
#032 Chris G / Candy White
#034 Reece C / Candy White
#035 Jago-A / Candy White
#038 poppy G / Luna Grey
#039 Perry L / Luna Grey (Admin)
#040 Sam T / luna Grey
#042 Charlie C / Luna Grey
#043 Foster L / Inferi Black
#045 Wayne C / Emocion Red
#049 Quinton R / Candy White
#050 ****** / Emocion Red
#053 Lewys W / Candy White
#054 Rhys A / Candy White
#055 Charlie H / Candy White
#058 ****** / Luna Grey
#059 Mark A / Inferi Black
#060 Craig C / Candy White
#061 Shaun B / Candy White
#062 Hassan IHA / Luna Grey
#065 Phil G / Emocion Red
#067 Adam R / Candy White
#074 Luke R / Candy White
#076 Faizan M / Candy White
#077 Darren J / Candy White
#080 ****** / Candy White
#082 Altaf R / Candy White
#083 Nick B / Inferi Black
#086 John G / Candy White
#088 Daniel B / Inferi Black
#091 Stephen C / Candy White
#093 Faiz H
#095 Sam S / Candy White
#096 ****** / Emocion Red
#099 Luke H
#101 Hannah L / Candy White
#102 Adam / Candy White
#106 Raymond B / Emocion Red
#110/ Candy White / WRITE OFF
#111 Cameron R / Candy White
#112 Tim M / Candy White
#113 Megan F / Inferi Black
#120 Nathan A / Candy White
#123 ******/ Inferi black
#124 Claire L
#129 Oags88 / Candy White
#130 Jim / Luna Grey
#136 ****** / Inferi Black
#137 Ryan G / Candy White
#138 Marc C / Inferi Black
#140 Asif T / Inferi Black
#145 Ethan K / Inferi Black
#148 Ollie S / Inferi Black
#150 Adam D / Candy White
#154 ****** / Candy White
#160 Luke A / Emocion Red
#161 Wayne D / Inferi Black
#165 Max B
#167 David M / Candy White
#169 Liam G / Candy White
#171 Lau / Candy White
#174 Faiq R / Zenith grey
#175 Mouzam K / Candy white
#176 Tyler B / Candy White
#182 Kef J / Candy White
#186 Alan A / Candy White
#190 Nathan C / Candy White
#197 Lee H / Candy White
#198 Sam W / Emocion Red
#201 Jordan / Candy White
#204 Jimmy B
#205 Josh M / Luna Grey
#206 Jay D / Candy White
#207 ****** / Candy White
#208 Charlie R / Candy White
#210 Joe P / Candy White
#211 Tommy K / Candy White
#212 Rich D / Candy White
#213 Reece T / Emocion Red
#216 Amber C / Candy White
#218 Gavin R / Candy White
#224 Roy /Candy White
#227 ****** / BROKEN FOR PARTS
#231 Sean A / Emocion Red
#232 Jason K / Emocion Red
#242 / Emocion Red
#247 Ben J / Inferi Black
#248 Mab I / Candy White
#249 Benjamin W / Candy White
#250 Josh H / Candy White
#251 Korbyn M / Candy White
#252 Wayne F / Candy White
#253 / Candy White
#258 Paul L / Candy White
#259 Jamie T / Candy White
#263 Sam B / Candy White
#266 Tom B / Candy White
#267 Shane B / Candy White
#268 / Inferi Black
#271 David W / Emocion Red
#274 Usman / Candy white
#276 Joe W / Emocion Red
#278 Rob M / Candy White
#282 Stuart S / Inferi Black
#288 Jack R / Inferni Black
#289 Daven K / Candy White
#292 ****** / Candy White
#295 Daniel P / Emocion Red
#297 Kean D / Luna Grey
#298 Tyrone M / Luna Grey
#301 ****** / Luna Grey
#302 Jodi / Luna Grey
#303 Jess Dalton / Candy White
#304 Charlie F / Luna Grey
#306 Reece H / Candy White
#308 Aidan M / Emocion Red
#312 Nathan E / Inferi Black
#313 Evan T / Candy White
#314 Adam M / Inferi Black
#315 Jordan H / Candy White
#323 ****** / Candy White
#324 Joel A / Candy White
#326 Grant R / emocion Red
#327 Cj C / Candy White
#328 ****** / Candy White
#329 Tee12 / Candy White
#332 Aidan W / Candy White
#333 Wayne C / Inferi Black
#334 Can C / Inferi Black
#339 Nathan N /Inferi Black
#340 Tommy G / Inferi Black
#341 Matthew H / Candy White
#344 ****** / Candy White
#345 Callum M / Candy White
#354 ****** / Inferi Black
#357 Gurdeep V / Candy White (CC)
#359 Ak T / Candy White
#361 Phil W / Lunar Grey
#362 Thomas H / Inferi Black
#367 Tom B / Candy White
#371 Candy White / BROKEN FOR PARTS.
#372 Jake F
#373 Amar Singh / Inferi Black
#374 ****** / Candy White
#377 Nathan C / Inferi Black
#379 Ally D / Candy White
#380 Joe H / Lunar Grey
#381 Han S / Inferi Black
#382 David L / Candy White
#383 Pav S / Inferi Black
#389 Dan T / Inferi Black
#390 Alex G / Inferi Black
#391 Andrew Keenan / Candy White
#392 David E / Candy White
#393 Angela D / Candy White
#394 Colin M / Luna Grey
#396 Tom H
#399 ****** / Candy White
#400 Ryan C / Candy White
#402 Nico G / Inferi Black
#406 Lee D
#407 Michael D / Lumina Orange
#408 Louis C / Emocion Red
#410 Mark J / Candy White
#411 Shadow / Candy White
#412 George C / Inferi Black
#415 John W / Lumina Orange
#416 Garry S / Inferi Black
#419 Hasan K / Speed Blue
#422 ****** / Candy White
#423 Azzak1 / Candy White
#424 Dan P
#426 Adam P / Luna Grey
#427 Steve W / Inferi Black
#429 Ritchie H / Lumina Orange
#430 ***R/S*** / Speed Blue
#431 Connor / Candy White
#433 Lewis B / Lumina Orange
#434 Harry M / Speed Blue
#438 Sam T / kiwi Green
#439 Rob W / Kiwi Green
#441 Missy Jo / Candy white
#443 Nigellus / Inferi Black
#445 Waqar H
#447 Asif T/ Kiwi Green
#448 Jack C / Lumina Orange
#449 Owen L / Speed Blue

Current Stats
103 Candy White
35 Inferi Black
17 Emocion Red
4 Speed Blue
3 Kiwi Green
5 Lumina Orange
19 Luna Grey​
1 Zenith grey
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Active Member
Oct 30, 2014
It was a big win when Seat released the full K1 list.

There were loads of K1's up for sale a while back, then the official list landed and they've suddenly all disappeared :unsure::unsure:
Hey 👋🏼. I’m now the owner of #216 in Candy White ☺️

Amber-Ayesha C


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Active Member
Feb 19, 2024
Hi there! Congratulations, she looks like a good un! Are you on socials?
If so, we have a Facebook page, an insta page and a WhatsApp group for all genuine owners!
If you want to join us on our WhatsApp group then feel free to let me know

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi there! Congratulations, she looks like a good un! Are you on socials?
If so, we have a Facebook page, an insta page and a WhatsApp group for all genuine owners!
If you want to join us on our WhatsApp group then feel free to let me know

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you kindly 🙌🏼.

Aye I’m on Facebook & insta, have you got links for both pages?. WhatsApp group would be grand to be added to, thank you ☺️


Active Member
Feb 19, 2024
So search cupra k1 owners club on Facebook
Our insta is @cupra_k1_official
And if you message me on Facebook, I’ll get you added to our WhatsApp, sorry I can’t send links I’m at work at the moment, apologies
My name is Perry Joe Lawrence, send me a dm mate

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
May 2, 2024
Hello Everyone

Seat UK have released an official K1 build number list.
450 Cupra K1's
Ash (@thatslowk1) has designed a K1 build number vin checker
The list is now updated and maintained by Boosted_85
(This also checks if they are genuine)Once checking your K1 is genuine, owners can contact Cupra's customer service centre on 0800 049 7106 or by emailing [email protected].

Any questions regarding the checker/build number pack, contact me direct.
Seat's authenticity pack containing a numbered badge bespoke to the owners vehicle, also an official certificate stating the build number has been released.

#001 Faisal A / Candy White
#002 Fariz A/ Luna Grey
#004 Harrison C / Candy White
#005 Brad W / Candy White
#006 Matt B / Candy White
#007 ****** / Candy White
#008 Joshua B / Candy White
#012 Mo A / Emocion Red
#013 Akky H / Luna Grey
#017 Gary H/ Candy White
#021 Sean W / Luna Grey
#023 Candy White (WRITE OFF)
#028 Glenn T / Inferi Black
#030 ****** / Candy White
#031 Nathan C
#032 Chris G / Candy White
#035 Jago-A / Candy White
#038 Poppy G / Luna Grey
#039 Perry L / Luna Grey (Admin)
#040 Sam H/ luna Grey
#042 Charlie C / Luna Grey
#043 Foster L / Inferi Black
#045 Wayne C / Emocion Red
#046 Jason S / Candy White
#048 Byron M Candy White
#049 Quinton R / Candy White
#050 ****** / Emocion Red
#053 Lewys W / Candy White
#054 Rhys A / Candy White
#055 Charlie H / Candy White
#057 Tyler D / Candy White
#058 ****** / Luna Grey
#059 Mark A / Inferi Black
#060 Craig C / Candy White
#061 Shaun B / Candy White
#062 Hassan IHA / Luna Grey
#065 Phil G / Emocion Red
#067 Adam R / Candy White
#073 Jordan M / Candy White
#074 Luke R / Candy White
#076 Faizan M / Candy White
#077 Darren J / Candy White
#080 ****** / Candy White
#082 Altaf R / Candy White
#083 Nick B / Inferi Black
#086 John G / Candy White
#088 Daniel B / Inferi Black
#091 Stephen C / Candy White
#093 Faiz H
#095 Luke M / Candy White
#096 ****** / Emocion Red
#099 Luke H
#101 Hannah L / Candy White
#102 Adam / Candy White
#106 Raymond B / Emocion Red
#110 Andrew K / Candy White
#111 Cameron R / Candy White
#112 Tim M / Candy White
#113 Megan F / Inferi Black
#120 Nathan A / Candy White
#123 /Inferi black
#124 Claire L
#129 Oags88 / Candy White
#130 Jim / Luna Grey
#136 ****** / Inferi Black
#137 Ryan G / Candy White
#138 Marc C / Inferi Black
#140 Asif T / Inferi Black
#145 Ethan K / Inferi Black
#148 Brad G/ Inferi Black
#150 Adam D / Candy White
#154 ****** / Candy White
#159 Adrian G / Candy White
#160 Luke A / Emocion Red
#161 Wayne D / Inferi Black
#165 Max B
#167 David M / Candy White
#169 Liam G / Candy White
#171 Lau / Candy White
#175 Mouzam K / Candy white
#176 Tyler B / Candy White
#182 Kef J / Candy White
#186 Alan A / Candy White
#190 Nathan C / Candy White
#197 Lee H / Candy White
#198 Sam W / Emocion Red
#201 Jordan / Candy White
#204 Jimmy B
#205 Josh M / Luna Grey
#206 Jay D / Candy White
#207 ****** / Candy White
#208 Charlie R / Candy White
#210 Joe P / Candy White
#211 Tommy K / Candy White
#212 Tyrone B / Candy White
#213 Billy D /Emocion Red
#216 Darren S / Candy White
#218 Gavin R / Candy White
#224 Roy /Candy White
#231 Sean A / Emocion Red
#232 Jason K / Emocion Red
#242 / Emocion Red
#247 Ben J / Inferi Black
#248 Mab I / Candy White
#249 Benjamin W / Candy White
#250 Josh H / Candy White
#251 Korbyn M / Candy White
#252 Wayne F / Candy White
#253 / Candy White
#258 Paul L / Candy White
#259 Jamie T / Candy White
#263 Sam B / Candy White
#266 Tom B / Candy White
#267 Shane B / Candy White
#268 / Inferi Black
#271 David W / Emocion Red
#274 Usman / Candy white
#276 Joe W / Emocion Red
#278 Rob M / Candy White
#282 Stuart S / Inferi Black
#288 Vicky C / Inferni Black
#289 Daven K / Candy White
#292 ****** / Candy White
#295 Daniel P / Emocion Red
#297 Kean D / Luna Grey
#298 ****** / Luna Grey
#302 Jodi / Luna Grey
#304 Charlie F / Luna Grey
#306 Dosti B / Candy White
#308 Aidan M / Emocion Red
#312 Nathan E / Inferi Black
#313 Evan T / Candy White
#314 Adam M / Inferi Black
#315 Jordan H / Candy White
#323 ****** / Candy White
#324 Joel A / Candy White
#326 Grant R
#327 Cj C / Candy White
#328 ****** / Candy White
#329 Drew M / Candy White
#332 Aidan W / Candy White
#333 Wayne C / Inferi Black
#334 Can C / Inferi Black
#339 Nathan N /Inferi Black
#340 Tommy G / Inferi Black
#341 Matthew H / Candy White
#344 ****** / Candy White
#345 Callum M / Candy White
#346 Shaban I/ Inferi Black
#354 Jason P / Inferi Black
#357 Gurdeep V / Candy White (CC)
#359 Akeel T/ Candy White
#361 Phil W / Lunar Grey
#362 Thomas H / Inferi Black
#367 Tom B / Candy White
#371 Gaz l / Candy White
#372 Jake F
#373 Amar Singh/ Inferi Black
#374 ****** / Candy White
#377 Nathan C / Inferi Black
#379 Ally D / Candy White
#380 Joe H / Lunar Grey
#381 Han S / Inferi Black
#382 David L / Candy White
#383 Ben H /Inferi Black
#389 Dan T / Inferi Black
#390 Alex G / Inferi Black
#391 / Candy White
#392 David E / Candy White
#393 Chris S / Candy White
#394 Colin M / Luna Grey
#396 Tom H
#399 ****** / Candy White
#400 Ryan C / Candy White
#402 Hayden W/ Inferi Black
#405 Patrick H /Candy White
#406 Lee D
#407 Michael D / Lumina Orange
#408 Louis C / Emocion Red
#410 Mark J / Candy White
#411 Shadow / Candy White
#412 George C / Inferi Black
#414 Mouzam / Candy White
#415 John W / Lumina Orange
#416 Cody F/ Inferi Black
#418 Jamie R / Speed Blue
#419 Hasan K / Speed Blue
#420 Mark S /Luna Grey
#423 Azzak1 / Candy White
#424 Dan P
#426 Adam P / Luna Grey
#427 Steve W / Inferi Black
#429 Matty J/ Lumina Orange
#430 ***R/S*** / Speed Blue
#431 Connor / Candy White
#433 Lewis B / Lumina Orange
#434 Harry M / Speed Blue
#438 Sam T / kiwi Green
#439 Rob W / Kiwi Green
#441 Missy Jo / Candy white
#443 Nigellus / Inferi Black
#445 Waqar H
#447 Asif T / Kiwi Green
#448 Jack C / Lumina Orange
#449 Owen L / Speed Blue[/COLOR]

Current Stats
Candy White
37 Inferi Black
17 Emocion Red
5 Speed Blue
3 Kiwi Green
5 Lumina Orange

19 Luna Grey
1 Zenith Grey


So far, this is 186 k1’s accounted for with owners out of 450 examples produced.
Some cars have a number without an owner this is due to k1’s seen for sale, in passing etc.
This list will be updated as often as possible in future so if you know of any k1’s OR owners that aren’t on this list then please contact me (Boosted_85)
I’m the owner of 247 and have been for about a month now how do I verify to get on the list?
Jul 19, 2024
Owner of #422 candy white


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