Cupra 290 paint code


Active Member
Jul 27, 2019
Hi guys sorry if this has been done to death.
Looking for paint code on my 2016 ST black edition. Looked in all the suggested locations - boot, engine bay, logbook and no stickers.
I know i can ring the dealer as a last resort but would rather not.

I believe its nevada white but not 100%

Any ideas?

Jul 28, 2023
If you've checked all the typical locations (door jamb, engine bay, glove box) and still can't find the paint code, your best option would indeed be to contact the dealer or the manufacturer's customer service. They can typically provide this information using your vehicle identification number (VIN). While it's likely that your 2016 ST Black Edition is Nevada White, it's best to confirm to ensure an exact match for any touch-ups or repaints.


Active Member
May 26, 2014
@Tinbum51; Nevada White is a metallic colour; if that’s the colour of your car, you should be able to see the metallic flake particles in your car’s paintwork in bright, sunny lighting conditions).

Forum sponsors @SEAT Motor Parts have the paint code for Nevada White on their website as S9R - see details at link below;

There’s provision to input your car’s registration number on @SEAT Motor Parts website and they’ll check that Nevada White’s the correct colour of your car after you’ve placed the order.


Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
Maybe, just maybe, you could walk into your SEAT dealership's parts department and "nicely" request a print out of CAR DATA for your own car just using Reg number, that should mean that you walk out 10 minutes later with about 6 double sided sheets of A4 listing all the production line options for stuff that was used to assembly your car - and that includes paint code(s) and lots of extra PR CODES that could come in useful later in your car's life. I've been doing that for all my close family's VW Group cars which have included 3 SEATs.


Active Member
Jun 11, 2023
Lift up your boot floor lid. Where the spare wheel would be. There's a sticker there with the paint code. That's how I found mines on my 290 ST BE
agree with this but i have also seen on some cars they hid it under the carpet at the back.

i would have thought you could get this info from ERWIN if you local dealer wont help


Active Member
Nov 28, 2023
if you remove the fuel door housing then the colour/paint code should be printed on a sticker on the back of the hinge.
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