Crazy Starting issues... when will I find the gremlin!?!?


Active Member
Oct 21, 2018
All right guys so I’ve just about had enough of my starting issues it drives me crazy and I want to blow my brains out. Just want to get some of your guys his opinions before I start trying to trace down the gremlin.

So after replacing the transmission the car sat for two months and I went to start it and you just hear a click and then nothing I thought OK maybe the battery ... that it’s been sitting tried to jump it wouldn’t jump not with the car and not with a spare battery. Then I thought OK it must be the starter motor so in the meantime I have now replaced the starter motor the battery and the serpentine belt.

Last night I conducted a test and with all of the electronics on (Heater rear window defroster seat heater headlights fog lights flashers dome lights everything that you can turn on) the alternator is only providing 12.6 V to the battery.

So the new alternator comes in tomorrow.

Here’s the crazy part… I charged my new battery all night long last night... Woke up this morning it was 100% fully charged.

Go to start the car at first nothing then the red battery light comes on the cluster super weird and I don’t understand so then I just push the car 5 m put it in gear and then I turn the key, and crank over the engine (like a brand new battery should) it fires right up perfectly!

Does anyone have any ideas what my issue could be? It’s definitely an electronic issue As I’m getting fuel in the fuel pump is priming and I also conducted a Parasitic drain test in the car while sitting locked does not drain the battery at all. I checked the ground cable on the engine it’s nice and tight and the battery terminals are also nice and tight.

I was thinking maybe it’s the cable that goes to the starter motor not the one directly to the battery but the small plug on the backside maybe this is a weak spot? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Yellow fr

Gone to new owner so seat less for now
Sep 6, 2018
Sandbeds West Yorkshire
You could try and have a look at the low voltage starting wire it may not be getting a good correction to the stater or the wire may have a brake init which may explain the intermittent problem

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Jul 12, 2016
West Midalnds
Had some weird starting issues a while back, wouldn’t start, leave it and it starts, wouldn’t start, bump it and it starts. Turned out to be the small wire to the top of the solenoid, was on its last few strands. Sometimes it made, sometimes it didn’t. Strip solder reterminate and it’s been fine since

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Active Member
Oct 21, 2018
Had some weird starting issues a while back, wouldn’t start, leave it and it starts, wouldn’t start, bump it and it starts. Turned out to be the small wire to the top of the solenoid, was on its last few strands. Sometimes it made, sometimes it didn’t. Strip solder reterminate and it’s been fine since

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Yes my dad said this, but I replaced the entire starter motor with new solenoid! But I will take a look!

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Active Member
Jun 17, 2011
Have you checked the ground cable that runs from the battery to the bodywork? This often gets very corroded and can cause intermittent issues, cleaning up the contact area often sorts it.


Active Member
Jul 12, 2016
West Midalnds
The small cable on the back with a plug attached?

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On my LCR it’s on the top of the solenoid as you look down on it but yes the small wire. Wasn’t obvious until I pulled it and had a broken end in my hand. It had been repaired before as is was a normal spade terminal not a large wrap around oem plug

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Active Member
Oct 21, 2018
Have you checked the ground cable that runs from the battery to the bodywork? This often gets very corroded and can cause intermittent issues, cleaning up the contact area often sorts it.

I’ll take a look brother thanks for the heads up!

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Active Member
Oct 21, 2018
It must be somewhere in this little section between battery and starter. The alternator is an easy fix but that has nothing to do with starting.

Thanks guys for your help, most likely tomorrow I will tear out all the things in this area and take a good look.

Battery ground wire

All cables to and from the starter motor large and small.

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Active Member
Oct 21, 2018
From my knowledge there are only 2 connections to the starter. One really big wire that connects directly to the positive battery terminal, and the small plug on the back with 2 small wires coming off of it.

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Active Member
Oct 21, 2018
Okay I’m really hoping it’s this back wire/plug pray for me gents or have a beer for me...

I’ve been doing some research and it seems like this gremlin / symptom can be a variety of things! And insanely hard to track down sometimes!
Cam angle sensor
Fuse 15 or 14
Grounding issue
Ignition switch issue
Imob issue

If this doesn’t work tomorrow... I’m probably gonna cry and drink a 5th of gin and throw a Molotov cocktail into the engine bay

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