problem will be removing them first as the weakest point of the lamp is the corner part and this is where I had hair line cracks at the top corner and bottom part of the corner. Not on the lense itself but inside the lense part which is the back part which is black plastic.
I removed one of my lamps which was difficult. It had loads of water in it. I dried it out as much as I could. glued the crack which was at the back of the lense which is black plastic. behind this is a ball and socket which hold the corner part to the body work this is the weakest point.
As you try to pry the the corner away to remove it you will crack the weakest point even further and once you glue it to repair it the hardest part will be putting it back as you have to use force to push it back in the ball and socket which will definitely crack it again. Give it ago all the best!!