Change in design of TFSi engine. Important issue with fuel pump and engine wear

Allan Andersen

Active Member
Mar 12, 2008

Ok well i have read the hole tread, and now for the 100000 dollar question.

i have leon cupra from 2 week 2008.

it has complete miltek exhaust

forge twin ic ad remapped.

I ave experienced fuelcuts at topspeed and topspeed only, the engine lamp start flashing, for around 30 sek and after this everything is normalm so what will be the right solution for me, change fuelpump, and to which one? (where to buy)
injectors, could that be another issue?

look forward to the answer, so i can run with no worris.

the car is running 298bhp at the time.

it has not been remapped after mounting ic and exhaust, but the problem was there before, so it cant be that.


MFD3 for sale, inbox me.
Nov 28, 2006
Ok well i have read the hole tread, and now for the 100000 dollar question.

99p answer.

as i understand it, the fuel cut issue happens mid range, not top end.
the volume of fuel is engine rpm dependant and the fuel pumped at high rpms is sufficient whereas at mid range it is not.
if your issue is at 'top speed' (high rpms), then yours may be a different problem.


Ok well i have read the hole tread, and now for the 100000 dollar question.

i have leon cupra from 2 week 2008.

it has complete miltek exhaust

forge twin ic ad remapped.

I ave experienced fuelcuts at topspeed and topspeed only, the engine lamp start flashing, for around 30 sek and after this everything is normalm so what will be the right solution for me, change fuelpump, and to which one? (where to buy)
injectors, could that be another issue?

look forward to the answer, so i can run with no worris.

the car is running 298bhp at the time.

it has not been remapped after mounting ic and exhaust, but the problem was there before, so it cant be that.

Sounds like its the pump to me.
My car, same model, same problem on top end. I noticed that it happens through the gears aswell but only if i catch the limiter. The car doesnt cut out completely, just cuts back on power for a while as the management light flashes and then good to go.
If i were to swicht the car to its stock file, NPs, hammer it, hold it flat out, catch the limiter, NOTHING


Active Member
Mar 29, 2008
My car has the same symptoms and im assuming its the fuelling although the management light does not flash on mine. It didnt do this before i had it remapped and no fault codes came up when my local dealer plugged in the diagnostics.

I have ordered a new cam follower so will be taking the pump out at the weekend for inspection of the follower and cam.

My car is the TFSI Sport model so presumably the demands for fuel would be lower than with a remapped CUPRA ???

The engine has done 54k, 51 of which was done totally standard. Could it be wear in the pump itself and it no longer likes operating at the higher rpm,s?


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
Ok well i have read the hole tread, and now for the 100000 dollar question.

i have leon cupra from 2 week 2008.

it has complete miltek exhaust

forge twin ic ad remapped.

I ave experienced fuelcuts at topspeed and topspeed only, the engine lamp start flashing, for around 30 sek and after this everything is normalm so what will be the right solution for me, change fuelpump, and to which one? (where to buy)
injectors, could that be another issue?

look forward to the answer, so i can run with no worris.

the car is running 298bhp at the time.

it has not been remapped after mounting ic and exhaust, but the problem was there before, so it cant be that.

Do you have access to VAGCOM? If so, monitor channel 230 and check for the variance between fuel pressure requirement and fuel pressure actual. The difference is the shortfall in fuel and if the actual fuel pressure is too low vs what is required, boost is dropped, and if it drops too far, thats where the ECU cuts the engine to preserve it.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2007
Athens, Greece
Ok well i have read the hole tread, and now for the 100000 dollar question.

i have leon cupra from 2 week 2008.

it has complete miltek exhaust

forge twin ic ad remapped.

I ave experienced fuelcuts at topspeed and topspeed only, the engine lamp start flashing, for around 30 sek and after this everything is normalm so what will be the right solution for me, change fuelpump, and to which one? (where to buy)
injectors, could that be another issue?

look forward to the answer, so i can run with no worris.

the car is running 298bhp at the time.

it has not been remapped after mounting ic and exhaust, but the problem was there before, so it cant be that.

Fuelcuts as a result of inefficiency of the stock high-pressure fuel pump (HPFP) to cope with the increased demands in the peak boost (mid-range revs) is a different issue compared to engine stuttering as a result of misfires at higher revs...!!!:shrug: There has been an issue with misfires in 2008 Cupras and in general the K04 turbo TFSI engines (also in the Audis S3/TTS)...:(
I think you should get someone (or yourself if you can) log your car with vag-com for misfires... I guess this is the problem as you're saying that the check engine light flashes at high revs...!!! Hope this will help !


now with ko4 power
Jun 15, 2008
iv had mine inspected today at jbs and the cam follower and camshaft are both worn down it cut out when the map was on. the maps off now. does anyone know if seat will replace the cam and shaft under warranty as its a weak part? has anyone had one replaced?


FR crazy
Nov 14, 2008
South Africa
this is a bit late i realise as i only joined the forum recently.
now my thoughts have been to get a remap although i don't wish to sit with the reliability issue after long term use.

SEAT has left our country due to South Africa only being able to sell 2600 SEATs since its launch in 2006.
although VW will honour all the warranty and service/maintenance plans till the end of its term.

i realise the TFSi engine is basically part of the VAG Group, my issue after reading the complete thread...does this issue affect cars that choose to remain stock standard?! i plan to keep my car for as long as it takes.
don't wish to sit with the problem one day and then VW waves bye bye to'd break me.



Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
i realise the TFSi engine is basically part of the VAG Group, my issue after reading the complete thread...does this issue affect cars that choose to remain stock standard?!


The wear issue is caused by the fuel pump being driven off the camshaft. This happens if the car is stock just as it would when it is tuned.


Full Member
Mar 8, 2004
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Car getting it's 20k service at the weekend getting them the check the fuel Pump will let you know what happens. I'll try and post picies

Ok the cam follower was fine took pic's will add them later. Thank you David Cooks for checking it for me
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Full Member
Mar 8, 2004
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Pic of my cam follower now attached


You can see it has had some wear but it's still black and in good condition


Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
Yer not too bad, but I wouldn't personally leave it too long to get it changed, the teflon coating is wearing and going off the image alone you can see the metal shining through so I think it would be wise to swap it out in the next 10000 miles or sooner.

For what is a £23 part thereabouts, it's worth seriously considering.

Mine's not done 10000 miles yet, so it's interesting to see.


Full Member
Mar 8, 2004
Visit site
Yer not too bad, but I wouldn't personally leave it too long to get it changed, the teflon coating is wearing and going off the image alone you can see the metal shining through so I think it would be wise to swap it out in the next 10000 miles or sooner.

For what is a £23 part thereabouts, it's worth seriously considering.

Mine's not done 10000 miles yet, so it's interesting to see.

You are right about the part price not expensive, I don't think the light is helping much, was sure I could not see the metal on it... Mmmm got me thinking. I compared it against the Audi US pics as well when it was in there and it looked fine. Prob change it at 30k or in 12 months or on my brake fluid swap in May / June as warranty will be starting to run out then cannot have that disintegrating in my engine when I have to pay for it as that would be an expensive bill. So glad they have redesigned the engine and taken this flaw out.

Would be good if others could have there checked at service time and post up pictures, would give a better feel off how they are lasting, it cannot be completely random.

Mine is an MY08 chassis Cupra apparently according to the chassis number
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Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
Mine is MY08 too. It may just be the angle of your piccy, as long as the teflon coating is still in good condition then I doubt there is much to be concerned about. But it's good that we are being proactive and checking it.

I take it they checked the camshaft lobe while they had the pump off too, remember its two surfaces that are rubbing against one another, the piston face and the cam lobe.


Trainee Northener
May 24, 2003
Is this something you can take-apart to check yourself without voiding the warrantee?


Active Member
Jul 7, 2005
I got mine checked yesterday during 2 yr service,dealer said it looked fine, 12250 miles,i will check it every service...they took some pics for me i will try and get them up....


now with ko4 power
Jun 15, 2008
did the dealers check it for free mate? or put extra on the cost of the service? i need mine checking to get it done under warranty
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