Boot warning beep when going over bumps

May 16, 2024
Hi, I have a 20 plate Seat Leon cupra 290 and sometimes when driving over humps/ bumps in the road I get a warning noise. At first I had no idea what it was as it was quick and no warning message popped up. I have noticed that a image of the car pops up with the boot coloured in red which accompanies the noise, which leads me to think that the car is thinking the boot is open when going over the bump?

Not sure if this could be related to the issue but my seat badge seems to stay stuck open on the boot as well so i have to flick it down manually, sometimes the boot wont close as too as it thinks its locked (solved by pulling the boot hatch again).

If anyone has experienced something similar would appreciate if you could shed some light on the situation as I can't seem to find much info on this online.
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