Ape's LCR225 Thread (Getting Back on the Road)


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Would recommend hitting the dual carriageway later at night to bed in
Did it with mine make sure i got some good heat cycling
Also at very low speed when cold and light pressure they occasionally make a super high pitch squeal


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
Well... Erm...

They work well :blink:

Did the heat cycling to bed them in, and f*ck me do they stop you quick! :happy:

Got a bit more pedal travel than before, so we're going to rebleed them again just to be sure. Was getting a bit late to still be faffing so we'll recheck tomorrow. As soon as they warm up they don't half bite well! :D


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
Well... Erm...

They work well :blink:

Did the heat cycling to bed them in, and f*ck me do they stop you quick! :happy:

Got a bit more pedal travel than before, so we're going to rebleed them again just to be sure. Was getting a bit late to still be faffing so we'll recheck tomorrow. As soon as they warm up they don't half bite well! :D
There great, glad your liking so far.
I found it wasn't till my first track day that I truly appreciated how good the brakes were.
It funny, you'll start looking in your rear view mirror checking that there is no one too close when you are braking because there that good.
Also watch the horror on people faces when hey see how quickly you stop and wonder whether there going to crash into you, lol


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
Did your pedal feel any different after you had them Willie? I'm wondering if there isn't any extra travel and it's just me being paranoid as its a different setup to before?
There was and still is very little pedal travel after fitting this.
did you bleed the clutch and MS?


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
We didn't bleed the MS or clutch, didnt seem to be a need but will do it for piece of mind. I think its more in my head than anything as when they warm up the braking is much sharper and much sooner in the pedal so it could just be me.


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
Few quick phone pics of the brakes as we went along. When I've cleaned it up I'll post some showing them behind the wheels

Callipers need a repaint really. This will be done soon


Braided hoses


The old disc, the pads were practically on the backing plate. You can see where i rubbed a bit of the groove off with my finger. They had a ton of abuse and wasn't much left of them

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