Ape's LCR225 Thread (Getting Back on the Road)


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
They are better than OEM bulbs, certainly been the case in previous cars I've owned. They make you faster as people can see you sooner, moving out of the way earlier and therefore less time in your way slowing you down :D lol


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
Well, they've arrived, just got to figure out how to install them. Me + Electrics = Disaster (usually). Spannering and Hammering, not a problem. Dark Magicks known as Electrics are something I don't get on with. Fogs and High Beam to follow when I can be bothered :p Got to shift this Flu, Chest and Sinus Infection first :(


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
I got them from a Group Buy from another Forum. To stop the scatter in OEM lights you need a H7R Bulb as it's got a bit additional material on it to prevent the spill. I've not bothered with them and have gone for H7's, if they turn out to be pants I'll get some H7R bulbs instead. The Ballasts are really slim as well which is helpful. I'll get some pictures up soon.


RIP Project Blueshift
Jan 17, 2010
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
Were did you order the hid from I want a pair but dont want rubbish ones which I see popping round them one's were the beam is to skattered around .

You'll need the H7R ones as they have a 'shielded' bit around the bottom of the bulb, meant to deflect light up towards the inside of the light then back down on to the road, giving a better beam pattern..... here endeth the lesson. :)

And Ape, HID's are easy peasy so don't worry.... the hardest part is mounting the ballasts. :) Need a hand, give me a shout and i'll see if i can help you verbally. :)


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
Cheers bud, I've had a look at the H7R's compared to normal H7's and there didn't seem to be much difference, if the output is poor I'll get some H7R's and try those, cheers for the heads up.

Ballast Mounting shouldn't be too much bother, they're about as thick as an iPhone, and 2/3rds the size, I've got screws, double sided tape and cable ties so it's just a case of choosing where and picking my weapon :D


Aug 11, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
Dont use just the tape on its own. Mine fell off and ended up further down in the engine bay. Cable ties do the job well though!

Great looking car mate! :D


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
All fitted, damn that was too easy. The last set I fitted a couple of years ago required wire splicing, routing, all sorts. This was just a plug and play, managed it without drilling the lens covers out or any messing. Secured one ballast under the headlight unit itself, and the other is on the side of the battery cover. Simple :D

Next up, fog lights I think


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
I went for 6000k as it's a White light rather than blue or yellow, I've seen 8000k lights and theyre not as bright and quite fatiguing too. The lower the number the yellower they are. 4000k for instance is quite yellow, almost like halogen


LCR 225
Apr 29, 2007
Good call on the 6000k's mate. Love mine. Glad I didn't go 8000 as they're too blue and I don't want plod attention really!

I have the slim ballasts, and H7R bulbs. The beam pattern is very good!


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
I'll check out the pattern later if I'm feeling up to it. Not been well recently and even 20minutes fitting these has left me exhausted. Not fun.

The ballasts are so small, it's great how these things have come along since I first bought a set


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
Aye I will do once it's been cleaned, which may not be today. The Light ouput is brilliant, so much better than standard. Need to get the Full Beam sorted too now. It's like having your own bit of daylight in front of the car :D


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
Plan for the weekend:
Sort out intermittent ABS fault (which also turns off the traction control). Got a faulty sensor on the nearside front wheel, although I think it's the wiring rather than the sensor.

Fit Polybushes :D

Clean inside and out, underneath, arches etc

Take Pictures :D

Collect spare (uncut) foglight grill that I won for £1.04 on ebay!

Buy brake setup :p


Jun 6, 2010
haha minus your additions my list looks similar.

Looking forward to seeing new pics and hear your opinion on the polybushes
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