Alternator Help??

Looking to upgrade my alternator, guessing I have the 70amp one and I was wondering if any of the following from these engines will bolt onto my 1.4 aex engine?

IBIZA 1.8(ABS)/2.0(2E)
IBIZA 1.9D/TD(1Y/AAZ)93>;2.0 8V(2E)93-96
IBIZA:1.6(ABU)93-94;1.8(ABS)93-94;1.8 16V(ADL)94-96

The reason if you wanted to know why is because I want to run a secondary amp in my car and when I crank it up my lights start to flash.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2006
i got a better alternator when mine packed up i used to put my lights on and the engine when weak, go to halfords m8 on trade thay can order them in stronger 1s


1.8T MK2 Conversion
if you can, try it mail order from GSF in Huddersfield, its just opened and they are offering 15% discount if you order over 100 pounds+VAt or something. If you can find an extra few quid to spend it may be worth while.

Thats if you mention the HuddersfieldVAG Forum
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