Alternative Interior


IHI Ibiza Cupra
Jan 6, 2005
Yup, pay £220 for Recard frames and you still have to cut them down by an inch, which if you have seen how recaro frames are made there a right chew on to re-weld. In the end I decided if I was going to have to cut and weld to get to my height I may aswell just make the frames!!

Out of Cobra, Recaro and Un-Named subframes I've not come across a set yet that is any lower than the standard seats, infact two were higher!


Full Member
May 4, 2006
North East
great job with the interior craig mate, im yet to see another ibiza that can pull it off the way you've done it all :clap: the harnesess look brill go with the whole colour scheme of the car and the steering wheel lokks cool to, excellent job mate.

just think all the fu**ing about with the D.I.Y frames payed off, people have there own opinion and so they should, but if people can come on and tell you that it makes you look like a bellend then if they really want to see a bellend they should look in the mirror once in a while, but bacl on topic smashing job mate A+:clap:


IHI Ibiza Cupra
Jan 6, 2005
Ta bud, those frames were one big headache... literally especially after both me, you and shaun managed to walk into them at least once when they were hung up drying in the garage.

As for looking like a bellend, who cares lol. I agree the 1.0 Corsa's with standard seats and harness's can look chavvy and its dangerous, but with the right seats that allow for harness's I think it can look nice.

Really the pictures make it all look shite, everything seems to be a mismatch of colours due to the lether cream, and then the exposure on the camera makes the harness's look really bright. If it wasnt for the fact it's pissed it down every day this week I would have better pictures, but i'm a bit protective of the new interior and don't want it getting wet for the sake of a few pics!!

As soon as its dry i'll get some new pictures and let people decide then. It just looked too dark when I had black seats, carpets, seat belts and steering wheel I like a bit of contrast.


IHI Ibiza Cupra
Jan 6, 2005
Harry, the recaro frames are a little bit higher, there like a Mk3 Golf height. I'm 6ft3 and cant stand been that close to the roof lining, i've made the frames to that it's more of a drivers position.

Drive the Ibiza then drive an Leon you'll see you sit quite high and your field of view is like from the top of the windscreen down. Now i've got it so I look out of the centre of windscreen, it just feels like a better position.

Its down to personal opinion, I don't settle for "that'll do" I want to do things right, and to suit my needs. For me, its a nice comfortable position which allows the best field of view and feels right, it feels more of a drivers car than a shopping trolley.


IHI Ibiza Cupra
Jan 6, 2005
Here's a few camera phone pics to show how the leather's settled down and gone back to the dull look. Also after having this interior for a few weeks I must say the driving positin as a drivers car is great, the comfort is good, however for manovering the lowered seat height and supportiveness is shite.

Actually ended up bumping into a friends car tonight at a meeting whilst reversing as I couldn't see out the back properly, thankfully theres no damage to his car and only a minor spider crack in the laqure on my lower buper, which isn't too much of a problem as I'm hopefully getting a few things painted soon anyway.

If your car is your sole use of transport and you have a lot of tight gaps to reverse into think twice, however slightly limited neck movement won't have helped either.





That is an awesome job, personally i really like the harnasses because it isn't a 1.2nova or whatever it is a legitimate street racer...very very nice buddy!


IHI Ibiza Cupra
Jan 6, 2005
Yeh, difference is I have make mine sit lower with home made subframes so it's not just 10mm lower think its around 40mm lower.

Cheers for the comments, and David, bought one months and month ago from Bill when I think it was you or one of the other Wales lot got one... but still havent fitted it!
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