Airbag issues after accident

Mar 28, 2022
Hi looking for some advice, had a minor bump yesterday resulting in a shunt breaking a headlight and damaging the guys bumper, trouble is the shunt caused the airbags to go off on the dash and steering wheel, insurance we’re looking to write it off but we told them wewere covering our own damage and the guy will get his bumper fixed through my insurance.

ive managed to source a replacement steering wheel airbag, new seat belts and tensioners as they are locked out when the airbags went off, the passenger bag as broke through the dash too, my plan is to replace these and get the errors cleared. The power steering gets knocked out when the airbags go off and going with some posts it appears to blow the main fuse.

Car runs perfectly fine but the power assisted steering is still knocked out.

Anyone had a similar situation and tip and advice, I’ve managed to source all the replacement parts for around £200 so hopefully a few hours at a weekend and some cash to clear the codes it will be back up and going, not sure if you can do this yourself with a downloaded software?

Any advice would be much appreciated, first car and really don’t want to lose it, insurance company were quite happy writing it off just happy i have a chance to get it going again.


Active Member
Feb 28, 2023
Airbag lights can be cleared with VCDS / VAG-COM or ODIS if you know someone with either, possibly through carista or obdeleven pro too but do a check yourself as i've not used the latter 2 for it. If you reset the light & it comes straight back on, you will need to replace the crash sensors as don't think theres a cheap bit of software capable of doing it so best play it safe and replace the sensors anyway tbh, especially if going to the effort of removing dash etc


Active Member
Dec 7, 2013
Steering pump is in the front bumper so you will probably need a new one, probably got damaged, most likely the reservoir, but its not easy to replace the reservoir, probably it is easier to find an used pump.

Also replace airbags if deployed, belts and crash sensors, and then clear errors with vcds or other software that allows to clear errors.

If the chassis is bent etc you it will better to fix it at a garage
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