On Facebook!
I'd wait till it turns up before getting excited, could be bogus! Hope not for your sake.
Sell it, nothing wrong with saying it a competition win. Yes buyer will try and screw you down on price but as you tell 'em its cheaper from you than any dealer, there loss not yours, your not losing out with it sitting on your drive doing nothing.
Personally I'd knock a grand off just to get shot of it. Maybe even see what Citroen would would offer you for it.
If it was me i'd sell it and pay off the balance on my cupraProbably have some left for more mods too!
It's a pucca comp run by Citroen UK themselves on facebook. I won an Xbox 360 4 weeks ago on the same comp. Now I've won the main prize of the car and another Xbox!!!!
They have given away 2 cars already and 20 Xbox's. Now I've won the third and last DS3
Hard to believe I know, but true!!
Like Citroen Uk's Facebook page and see the videos of the other 2 winners receiving their cars, and my post thanking them for the win
I will post some pics of it when it gets delivered on the 6th Oct
This is the model

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