I've had a nosy and it was the idle spring for the FMDV004 valve I saw at £5 
Just remembered seeing a spring at bargain basement prices!
Just remembered seeing a spring at bargain basement prices!

Blue spring has solved my fluttering.
Awesomei'm assuming it drives better, feels stronger etc.. as a result?
@ 8bit - Gave the car a proper spanking last night, all the in the name of research of course. It's vastly improved in the lower gears 3rd and 4th but i can feel it bottle necking in 5th and 6th, this i think is the standard exhaust holding it back.
Hopefully this will be fixed once the TBE is fitted, just need to save up for a FMIC.
I'm very tempted to try the blue spring though, as i'll need one for stage 2 anyway. Kind of a no brainer really.
OK, update time
Last night we (i.e. me and csd_19, thanks again mate!) got the B5 v2 TIP fitted again. Better this time in that we got the coolant pipes bent out the way so the TIP is now all the way on to the adaptor. After about a 10 mile drive at speed over some dual carriageways and bumpy roads it seems that the TIP has not yet moved on the adaptor so fingers crossed that's OK.
However there is still a bit of a kink on the bottom bend due to the angles involved, even with the TIP rotated backwards towards the bulkhead it doesn't line up well with the heatshield. Hopefully I'll be able to do some logs soon and check airflow. I'm out in the car again tonight, if it stays put then I'll keep it for now and keep an eye on it. If I'm going to keep it long term then I'll take it off again and trim the ports and MAF end down a touch more just for a slightly better fit.
Going to order those SFS boost hoses today I think. Realised last night you can feel the difference between OEM and uprated ones - the OEM ones are rubber and will "balloon" when they fill up with charge air. At one point I went on WOT in 4th, the car took off, couple of seconds later it got faster againThat's nice but I'd rather just have bigger diameter pipes in the first place, plenty of space for loads of air.
Drive home was good fun, Craig, cheers again for your help![]()
Hey mate has your TIP moved off the adaptor at all?
Only managed to do maybe 50 miles since refitting it so not sure yet, not that I can tell so far. I'll keep an eye on it over the next few days and post back, will be using the car a little bit this week.
I think the key with those jubilees is to make sure they're sitting nice and flat on the silicone. If you're using the ones that Bill supplies then they have quite a wide band so it's quite easy to have them sitting slightly lop sided, so to speak. I tightened mine up a bit at a time, making sure it was still sitting nice and flat on the silicone, then doing a bit more, give it a bit of a wiggle to make sure it's still flat, tighten some more, until it's done up right.
Of course if its' still kinked badly then that'll put pressure on the area that fits over the adaptor. Mine is still kinked a bit, not as bad as it was but a little bit. I found that rotating it backwards towards the bulkhead as you look at the turbo from the passenger side of the car helped a bit but it's still not a great fit with my heatshield.
ok, thanks. I am very tempted to have a little redesign of the heatshield. which heatsheild do you have? keep me posted. thanks.