1.4TSI slow heater


Modification Addict
Jun 25, 2019
North Wales
Firstly I want to start by saying I also have a 2.0tdi which had the heater matrix issue, this doesn't seem to be the same.

So the 2 left sided vents start producing hot air once my coolant warms up, then the centre right vent starts putting out a bit of warmth.
The right side vent has no warmth until the oil temp reaches 90+, and even then it has a slight chill to it.

So at the point of coolant and oil both being 90C the left side and centre left vents are hot, the centre right is almost as hot, but the right vent is struggle to put out heat, and as soon as the oil temp drops I start to lose heat on the 2 right sided vents. I will add that if I drive hard once the engine has warmed up I have hot air from all vents.

Some notes:
Car doesn't have silica bag.
Both pipes for the matrix are scolding hot after a good drive.
Blend flaps are working fine.
No changes to coolant system since last winter when I worked perfectly.

Any help greatly appreciated
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