
  1. Anyone got any wiring diagrams?

    Does anyone have wiring diagrams for a 1.6 Cordy SX? This weekend I'm hoping to have the wiring loom all out and start removing the bits I don't need from it and get it ready to tidy up. Does anyone have any wiring diagrams for the car that might make things easier? :D Pete
  2. Gizmo

    Does Aura Single CD Have Standard Wiring

    Hi all Looking to replace Aura CD in LCR. Do I need a wiring adaptor to fit normal wiring standard for aftermarket head units ? Like this - http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/product_info.php?products_id=1305&cadid=481917e646bdd6c6f6197f68fe8abef8 I assume so unless you guys know...
  3. Stu B

    Front fog wiring..

    Okay - the Moding season carrys on ... Front fog lamps to be fitted to the Bammer... Grills off - Drivers side appears to have a cable hanging, with what can only be described as a soft metal plug?? Is this what I need to wire the fogs into? The passenger side has the windscreen water...
  4. midcuk

    door alarm led wiring

    daft question but both the wires to the door led are grey which is which as i want to change it for blue ? chris
  5. Stereo wiring diagram

    Does anyone know were i could find a wiring diagram for the standard AURA headunit that comes in the LC. Thanks help will be appreciated :)
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