
  1. vwbassett

    Dimming wire feed

    Hi, is the blue/white wire the dimming feed to tap into for wiring a gauge lamp? if not what other colours did seat use? cheers adam
  2. Klang J

    Advice needed to wire up gauges

    I have done a search but most of the results refer to leons. I cant seem to find anything for the mk4 petrol. Its matching the colours thats the problem at the mo. can anybody help?
  3. __B3NNY__

    Wire Tuck

    I know PhilW has done this but im wondering if anybody else has and if so whats the best way to go about doing it as i havent the foggyest really. Basicly im changing the scheme of my bay to go down the route of the motorsport theme but id also like to incorporate abit of euro by having...
  4. Loose wire after bumper upgrade!!

    Hi, Should have asked this one last year, but it did'nt affect anything. Last year i went from standard bumper to facelift type on my Mk4 ibiza. There was a wire with some sort of sensor or plug fitted on the end which was slotted into the original bumpers inside , at the front,which i...
  5. killer205

    found loose wire??

    hi i was looking around the fuse box 2day under the drivers side and i found a green and yellow wire with a blue connector on it and i dont have a clue what its to and if it was connected to anything help
  6. ChrisCurzon

    ChrisCurzon's JDM DC2 *Track Day Pics!*

    New Car :D Know this won't be to everyones taste on here but i love it :D Haven't posted it up sooner as ive been busy sorting some stuff out on it. I swapped it for my Ibiza in January, was weird seeing it go but im confident its new owners looking after it just fine! Its virtually...
  7. splatrat

    amp remote wire??

    looking at fitting an amp and sub but slightly confused as to where to take the remote from................ any ideas? thanks :)
  8. which is the best ignition wire to use for my parrot

    just putting my parrot car kit in my altea instead of it been in the astra but i need to route the kit into an ignition wire i was just wondering which is the best one to use the blue box it behind the glove box is ther one i could tap into there ? any help would be very much appreciated.
  9. westoncraig

    will wire diagram for 1998 golf be the same as my mk2 ibiza?

    ive found the diagrams online and need to know if they will be the same so i can wire up the lights this weekend! http://volkswagen.msk.ru/electro/g4/g4_wd17.pdf
  10. SeanyK

    Neatest way to wire 6x9's...?

    Hey folks, I have ordered a stealth shelf, and a set of Alpine SPE-69C3 6x9's. Nothing expensive, but those 6x9's are designed to work from HU power so hopefully sufficient. My headunit is a Sony CDX-GT610U (4x50W, usb etc) When I fit the 6x9's, I was thinking, for neatness of...
  11. seat ibiza mk2 stereo wire colours help!! desperate!

    basically i am trying to fit a stereo, these seem to be the wires for power, any idea which one is which?????
  12. owen lcr

    which wire to cut

    hi folks, i am doing my infinity upgrade at the moment, just wondering which wire i need to cut on the autoleads adaptor...i know i have searched but it will take me all day to go through all of the threads. cheers owen
  13. 3 or 4 wire connection on the mirrors

    Friends, I would like to order a set of design mirrors. On the catalouge there are custom base plates for Leon Mk1 with 3 or 4 wires. Is there a way to know which one should I have without taking things apart now? I thought maybe the 4'th wire is for warming the mirror. Thank you :)
  14. B3NPM_Cupra

    Speed sensor wire?

    Hi guys, i have a SPA designs speedometer i want to install. im after the best/easyest place to access the electronic speedo cable? would it be at the rear of the dials? and if poss what colour am i looking for? Cheers guys!
  15. Sub fitting wire from battery to sub

    Hi just wondering whether anyone knows if theres an easy way to get a wire from the battery into the car, there doesnt seem to be a hole going into the car and i dont really wanna start mucking about drilling holes at random. Ive only had my leon cupra for a week and dont wanna piss about...
  16. how not to wire your stereo

    ooops fitted new stereo the day i picked up my new lcr and since then have had speed sensor faults bugging me. traced it to a stupid mistake when fitting the radio. always had VWs and they have a blue/white wire in radio power plug, used for aerial amp power. connected this to my elec...
  17. CraigW

    Unknown Wire.

    Rite i have found a wire in my engine bay that isnt connected to anything. I only found it by 'chance' as i had to pop my front, passenger side indicator out to replace the bulb. The wire is yellow with a yellow connector on the end. it is behind the wing. Does anyone know what this is...
  18. looking for wire diagram for mk4 IBIZA CUPRA

    Hello, I'm looking for wire diagram for mk4 Ibiza cupra. Can anyone help me please??? thank you, Natanel.
  19. Wire Size for Amp

    Hi folks, I am finally got my ALPINE MRP-F550 The amp install kit came with 8gauge wire. Amp manual says between 13mm and 8mm which would be 0 or even 00 gauge wire. I'll be running a pair of Focal KP's and maybe a 300Watt RMS subwoofer. Am I going to be okay with the 8gauge wire and...
  20. Nev_LCR

    what colour wire

    just maounting my boost gauge and need to know what colour wire on the head unit is + and - i take it its the red one and black but just want to make sure as i dont have a metre. cheers