
  1. Windscreen Wipers

    Morning all Got a bit of a problem with my windscreen wipers in that the ball joint on the linkage to the passenger side wiper appears to have corroded and dropped out, not good when it was poring down with main on the M1, luckily it was not the drivers Has this happened to anybody and...
  2. what wipers arms are these

    Hi all, I bought my seat last year and i needed some new wiper blades, so i bought some for the Seat, I later realised the car has got some other wiper arms fitted.. i was told they were golf mk4 ones, (so i now have to sets of bosch wipers which dont fit) the seat ones seem to need the hook...
  3. K3mist

    Mk3 Golf Front Wipers

    My mate is selling his Mk3 Golf 16v wipers and I wondered if they would fit the Leon? He says they aren't standard and I quote "lightweight and curved" which I am guessing as Aero wipers? He only wants a £10 so if anyone knows if they would fit let me know, so I can get them on!!! :D
  4. scarface

    Wipers Rubbing

    Noticed for a while that when its raining and use the wipers, they rub against window and make a crappy noise when on. Does this mean they need replacing or adjusting? If replacing, where do you get them from, what do i need and how much are they. Also how easy are they to fit. Do you use...
  5. beezanick

    Fan speed changes with wipers

    Strange problem I noticed last night in the rain. When the wipers are on intermittent, you can hear the fan speed up noticabley when the wipers 'wipe' the screen. When they settle back to their rest position the fan slows back down to normal speed again. The climate controll display doesnt...
  6. air blade wipers on toledo?

    hi guys, just a quick question, im going to update my front wiper blades on my leon to the VW 1s. however my old man has an same age 04 toledo and im woundering if this job 100% the same as mine?
  7. Wipers stopped working

    hello all need some help as title says my wipers stopped working in heavy snow the other morning :(, i checked the fuse under the dash and that was fine so i went to the dealer and brought a complete new wiper stalk,i have fitted that tonite and it hasnt cured it(waste of 40 quid) the only thing...
  8. Front Window Wipers

    Hi all, Since monday when we started getting all this snow my window wipers have stopped working on the normal and slower setting and only work on the fast setting. Has anyone else came across this problem before or anyone know how i should go about tackling this problem. Cheers
  9. Lost wipers.....

    Evening lads, anyone got any ideas why my wipers stopped working? Would it be the fuse (if so, which one) or is it more likely a blown motor or relay. Any ideas would be great as its no fun driving sub 30 with no vision............ (its a 2000, V5 ) Cheers guys Adi
  10. Tizer


    Will these my X reg ibiza mk3 cupra? http://www.wiperblades.co.uk/product-detail.php?Make=104&Model=1384&Mark=545&Year=2000&Position=5&ID=39 Regards
  11. sykesytdi

    wipers got a mind of thier own!

    My wipers have started coming on themselves randomly... funny thing is when you put the back one on they stop.... highly annoying!!!:censored: anyone got any ideas or experienced the same??? thanks :rolleyes:
  12. Help! Wipers have stopped working

    Hi, My wipers have been dodgy since I bought the car, they sometimes don't work (maybe once a fortnight) and I either have to turn them on and off again, or I have to get out, waggle them a little and they start working again then too. Except now, 6 months since I bought it, neither of the...
  13. Phillc

    Windscreen wipers have life of there own.

    My wipers have started doing there own thing, they go off when its not raining and wont stop, the position that was off now is extra quick and when i wash the rear window the fronts go as well, and when the fronts are washed it does it in extra quick and takes for ever to stop, it was funny to...
  14. Fitting front wipers!

    hello all.... I av never changed my wipers b4!!!:confused: motor factors gave me 2 wipers..the drivers side one doesnt av a spoiler on it like the one on the car... is it a case of removing the spoiler from the orginal?theres wierd screws on it...not philps/or straight head..:cry: can...
  15. wipers,jets ,indicaters,and heaters not working

    can anyone help. ive got a lcr 210bhp revoed. just bought it. every thing was fine til i got up this morning and my wipers,jets ,indicaters,and heatrs would not work. i left my car in the sun for a hour to thaw out and tryed again and it all works fine . its got me real worryed cos i got a real...
  16. spyke85

    Swapping wipers over?

    Longshot, but is it possible to swap the front wipers over, so that it is the drivers side one that is on the bottom during its sweep down? Reason I ask is the little line of water that is left across the screen on the drivers side is really annoying.
  17. deactivating the Rain sensing wipers

    hello gents, i have a question which i keep asking to verious VW garages about the rain sensing wipers only to get flipped of with some story about the 1M being built with parts from audi and vw part bins. question - can you deactivate the damm rain sensing wipers as they are Pain. some of...
  18. Windscreen Wipers - NOT working

    worked fine this mornin then half way to work tried to spray some water on the windscreen and nothing. wipers came on once together with the rear wiper and that was the end :( rear wiper works (no water comes through) Checked manual and found fuse 46 is the one for the wipers but when...
  19. wipers died !!!

    my wipers have just stopped workin have checked the fuses but cant see any broken ones but not sure which one is for wipers any help appriciated !!! thanx
  20. icestorm81

    Windscreen Wipers

    Im about to have my windsceen replaced due to a huge crack, so i will be getting sum new wipers in the process. I have noticed all the brand new cars on the road these days have got those new aoro wiper blades, the ones with the solid rubber strip. I am guessing if i want them on my cupra r i...
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