
  1. godber225r

    Remote Windows

    Hi all, I went to the dealers to get my Cupra R 54 plate programed to have the windows close and open on the remote, They said it couldnt be done!!:cry: Anyway searched on Awsome gti and found a bit of kit called a ECS KVW100 that programmes this in to the car. But it was on the golf mk4...
  2. Window Tinting?

    Im a professional vinyl graphics guy and want to look at tinting my windows, now i can do this myself no problems, i want a all round (apart from screen!) tint, lokking at 35% buy 20% looks a lot nicer! does anyone know the laws in uk for this or is it all illegal? :) :doh:
  3. Rain Sensing Closure of Windows?

    hello can any one with the rain sensor fitted let me know if you have rain sensing closure of windows e.g. when the sensor detects rain and the windows have been left open does yours close, i have tested mine with a glass of water over the sensor but doesnt do anything?
  4. andyc58

    front windows lcr

    Hi if i leave the window open and lock the car do the windows automaticaly shut them selves.My mate says they do but ive tried it and they dont shut.Wasnt sure if i was doing anthing wrong ??
  5. Ghost Windows

    ok so i have had my leon fr since brand new since last Jan and already having ghost windows in the rear passenger side, i try to close it and it goes up then stops and comes bk down, it did it many times the other day, as i dnt really use the rear windows i dnt know if this was a one off or not...
  6. Remote Central Locking, Windows etc

    All of a sudden today the Remote Central Locking packed in, as did the electric windows and the interior light. I'm presuming it's one problem. Does anyone know what it could be? I checked the fuses but they all appear to be ok. Cheers.
  7. Gordz

    Platinum Grey Tinted Windows Pics?

    Been searching around the site for a while now, but still can't find a photo of a platinum grey mk1 leon with tinted windows! Can anyone help me out? :confused: Cheers, Gordz
  8. Tinted windows or 6 X 9s

    what should i get done first .. ? have 6 x 9s fitted or get tinted windows put in ?? are alpine 6x9s any good ?
  9. robcool

    Closing and Opening windows by key???

    Hey people My mate has got a A3 I think it's an 2003 model and I noticed one day that he can open and close the windows by holding relevant button down. Well tried it on my Seat 2004 to see if it could do the same and it doesn't however when I put the key into the door lock it does it via...
  10. greenakd

    Eletric Windows operating independently

    Hello All I was woken yesterday morning by my alarm going off on my FR. So looked out of the window and switched it off then got up to go off to work to find that all the windows had decided to drop down. Rain was very hevy at the time so interior very wet. Not a comfortable journey to...
  11. Windows opened themselves?

    I've got an '07 plate Seat Leon. Parked it up last night about 8pm. It was raining when we got back home so I'm sure all the windows were wound up. Locked it / set the alarm as usual and came inside. Got up this morning to find both front windows wound fully down (backs are manual). I'm...
  12. unlocked and all windows went down!?!

    Morning all, Yesterday twice on leaving the car I did my normal "unlock then lock' on my remote to auto fold my mirrors and auto up my windows.... But twice I realised I'd forgotten something so unlocked within a couple of seconds and all my windows went down but the doors stayed locked...
  13. Tinting windows help cool interior?

    Guys, I unfortunately don’t have Air con in my leon. The one thing I over looked when I bought the car last year. So I’ve been looking at ways to help with the heat a bit and i read that tinting the windows is a good way to keep out the heat. Can anyone comment on this? thanks :)
  14. suj

    Getting Sellotape stickiness off windows?

    i've tried elbow grease, and all sorts on this basically when i bought the car (i know its been like 6months lol) the guy had a for sale sign in the back windscreen (used some red tape) then when i bought it, he ripped it off quickly and it still has the lines in the back, it won't budge [:@]...
  15. _AJ_

    I'm planing on tinting my windows but need to know something...

    Evening, I've got a really good quote through a friend to tint my windows... but need to know if.. the back windows come out? to make it easier and all that.. anyone able to shed any light on this situtation?
  16. windows

    went out to the car today and kept my finger on the open button a bit too long aand all my windows rolled down:funk: i knew that they went up when locking but didnt realise they came down!!! great for the summer, of course i had to have a play with them and found that the longer you keep your...
  17. windows jamming /PROBLEM

    :(:( Ive got a altea 2006 and when the drivers or passanger window goes down they are both fine , when it comes to close the windows it starts to squeak and stops and returns to the bottom again, also it only seems to do this on a hot day both back windows are fine . ive taken the door card of...
  18. Windows

    Opened the car yesterday as i have done for past 6 month, by putting the key in the door lock and turning it ( rcl not working and not been to dealer to get fixed). The doors then opened and all 4 windows went down by them selves this ever happened to any one before ???
  19. ather`s

    quarter windows

    can anyone tell me if the opening rear quarter windows out of a mk2 cupra will fit in a car with standard windows. are the bolt holes for the hinges and open/shut mechanism already there but hidden behind the trim around the window?. any info will be much appreciated.
  20. Factory tinted windows - not enough

    Hello, My Leon has factory tinted rear windows. The factory tint is pretty light to my taste and I would prefer a bit darker shade. How does the Seat do the factory tints, are they darker glass, or do they have a coating film? Ie, what is the easiest way to get a bit darker tint? If there...
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